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posted on 18th Aug 07 at 13:08

After the VIC to prove is road worthy again - abit pointless to be honnest - i think you should just get it VIC to make sure the work carried out is right, then General MOT and that its

Ste L

posted on 18th Aug 07 at 12:37

why 2 mot's?


posted on 18th Aug 07 at 12:32

nice one dude :thumbs:
looks like a cheap little motor that will do you for a bit excellent work :D


posted on 17th Aug 07 at 20:55

The time has come to replace the 306 with something newer and more comfortable, and while down the scrappy the other day I found this:

Relatively minor damage, Cat C write off.
£550 with a replacement wing, door (both in a different colour) and delivery chucked in for free!

It's a 1.6 16v with electric mirrors, electric sunroof, electric front windows, aircon, front & rear fogs, Renault CD player (which aren't that special, but the 306 doesn't have most of them), and it even came with about £35 of petrol in the tank.

Photos of the damage (not great, they came off my phone) after the car arrived:

This was the front wheel:

Stripped the front end to swap the wings over and replace the bumper mount (which is plastic, it's designed to break in a knock):

Replacement wing on, bumper placed back on awaiting new bumper mount:

And yes, that is speaker wire stopping the bumper falling off! :lol:

A trip to the Renault parts counter and £14 later, I returned with:

A pair of bumper mounts (you can only buy them in pairs, but at £9 for a pair it's hardly bad), and new nuts and bolts to bolt the bumper to them.

Bumper back on:

Then it started to piss it down, so back on went the speaker wire as I hadn't bolted the bumper back on.
The old wing:

And, with the bumper now bolted on, the car as it currently stands:

The brakes, suspension etc. seem fine but I'll get them fully checked before I MOT it.

Still to do:
- Swap the door over
- New wing mirror
- New spare wheel
- Another MOT :lol:
- Tax
- Get the door & Wing sprayed