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Author Psg Spoiler tutorial
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Registered: 8th Jul 03
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16th Nov 03 at 21:50   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

NOTICE: Pics will follow shortly

ok what you need:

PSG Spoiler
6 Screws, 4 bout 1 inch, 2 about 1/2 inch
wet n dry
star screwdriver

1. first thing you need to do is take the spoiler off the back so open the boot and you will notice the 4 starshaped screws. take these out and shut the boot.

2. take the washer jet part out by putting your fingernail in the back and pulling it forward. now push up the spoiler and it should come free. NOTICE: the front of it is held on by sticky tape get a sharp knife to cut along this.

3. totally remove the spoiler and place it somewere firm. ie top of a table. get the Psg spoiler and place it on top and mark round the feet.

4. screw the spoiler to the original one and then take them apart.

5. mix some bodyfiller (you can het this from halfords) sand the feet and the original spoiler and put a decent amount on the bottom of the feet of the psg spoiler.

6 place the psg spoiler back onto the original one and screw down. aload of filler should splodge out of the sides. if no you havent used enough filler.

7. this is the worst bit. wen the filler has dryed (overnight) attack it with the wet and dryand make it all smooth.

8. now once its all smooth refill it and again leave it to dry. repeat this process until you have got a good gradient and so the PSG spoiler and original look like one.

9. get it sprayed.

10. put it back on to the car in reverse orver to taking it off. you should nt need and tape but you can use some if you want

11. go show off!

gain pics coming doon and if tehre are any mistakes i appologise.. im drunk.

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