Kris TD
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: Ware, Hertfordshire
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quote: Originally posted by Tom D
Yes but if you're a porofessional with an accountants degree you will always get in some where.
Persoanlly I think u would regret it if you pulled out now, you may say the money is not that important but at the end of the day the reason we all go to work is to make money, if you enjoy it then cool, but c'mon money is what everything is about these days.
agreed, im prepared to put up with my shit job cos it pays so bloody well.
Registered: 20th Oct 03
Location: Walsall West Mids
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Think about this.
I earnt £63 a week and had to pay
Car insurance and tax
Phone bill
Going out
2 Christmas's
Other stuff
No way anybody can get by with a car unless they get outside help from family or summat.
And I only had a 1 litre Nova!
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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I understand that neil, but thats what i'm trying to find out. What kinda of money is involved. Some places pay differently. Need to find out 1st.
Registered: 20th Oct 03
Location: Walsall West Mids
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It ranges mate. I got £63 yet another kid in my apprentice class got £80. The highest went to a 21 year old lad. He started on £160 with no experience and 40 hours a week.
Did college 1 week in 4. You will LOVE going to college. It's like a godsend
Kris TD
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: Ware, Hertfordshire
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my bro started on 160 a week, no experience, hes 18.
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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I could manage on 160 bucks a week for a while i suppose. Worth it in the end though. Suppose the same could be said about accounting, but its not a lack of effort on my behalf, its a lack of interest. Not doing a course just to keep everyone else happy.
Ian W
Registered: 8th Nov 03
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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£63 a week / £1.38 an hour for cutting my hands open, getting taunted by twats, breathing the odd whiff off 2-pak paint and filler dust and half an hour dinner in a 9 hour day.
Same as me but no dinner, no masks for painting and your treated like a f**kin t**t. Plus in the winter its freezing and any shitty jobs will be given to you.
Now doing IT admin, on well better money, i dont constantly have hammered hands and im not blowing red, green or whatever colour car youve just painted that day bogies 
Did college 1 week in 4. You will LOVE going to college. It's like a godsend
Couldn't stress how right that is 
Stick with what your doing, after working with cars for a while you will lose intrest in your own and wish you had stuck with accounting.
[Edited on 20-01-2004 by Ian_Gsi16v]
Registered: 20th Oct 03
Location: Walsall West Mids
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What I did was fun for a while I will admit. I would strip damaged cars ranging from a Corsa Merit to a 3 day old Lexus, help out some of the blokes with spot welding and prepping and put some of the repaired cars back together. I sprayed loads of primer and prepped a few things but I was not allowed to spray top coat EVER.
In the end it messed with my health, fcuked up my hands and in got in debt.
If you can get £150+ a week and a really clean / big workshop environment then go for it mate and set up your own place one day so everyone can be your bitch.
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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But i lost interest in accounting about a year ago!!!! Just finally getting the bottle to pack it in!
Registered: 15th Apr 02
Location: Ayrshire
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Thank you Neil, thats what i was wanting to hear.
My intentions are for setting up a business sometime in the future with a mate of the similar mind. If i can get 150+ a week then i'll go for it.
Registered: 27th Apr 02
Location: Scotland
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You seem to be in the same situation as me Aliba.
Im sticking to finish off my training so that I have something to fall back on, then thinking of a career move or start up a business. Id definately get your training in though - its a nightmare as your not motivated as I know, but it looks very bad on your CV if you just throw the towel in and give up.
Out of interest, what are peoples ages and salaries?
Premium Member
Registered: 26th Jul 04
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i am currnetly applying for an apprenticeship with jaguar/landrover in bodyshop repairs and i really cant wait to start.
U kinda have to think that you wont earn anything if ur at uni so the extra £60 a week will be better than nothing. it will be hard to get through but i cant wait to possibly get on this course!
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: Bath/Bristol - Evo 4 GSR
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stick with the accountancy
Mark Petty
Registered: 26th Jul 01
Location: Bournemouth Drives: Suzuki gsf600
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wtf u do realise this thread is over a year old
Registered: 27th Aug 02
Location: Sheffield
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wonder what he decided to do