Registered: 28th Jul 00
Location: Essex
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Right.. i know a few peeps on here are into there body building and getting a nice body with big muscles etc etc and i want you help !
I used to work pretty hard on my body when i played pro football and took creatine etc which was pretty good, im only small but back then i started to get a nice shape etc and looked / felt good in myself !
Anyway im looking into getting one of these as i spend soooo many £££'s at the gym and i only wanna pump my body up (not fitness as i do that elsewhere etc) 
V-Fit Herculean Home Cross Trainer.
£ 297.49
Heavy duty, compact, 3-station seated home gym.
Deep padded seat and backrest and high density foam pads and grips.
Combined, seated bench press and pec-dec arms for upper body strength excercises.
Dual function leg unit, providing for both leg extension and back leg curl excercises.
Low pulley for rowing and biceps curls.
Lat pull-down station for upper back and shoulder exercises.
No cable changes required.
For cardiovascular and targeted abdominal exercise there is a 3-position adjustable independent action aerobic stepper and a vertical knee raise station (VKR).
This cross-trainer can provide up to a maximum of 90kg resistance on the bench press station.
Complete with user guide.
Maximum user bodyweight: - 125kg/275lb/19.6st.
Also im looking into these, do they work ? are they any good ? anyone do it ? 
York Muscle Power (Pack of 4).
£ 19.99
High protein sports supplement.
Formulated with free form amino acids to assist with building muscle.
Each recommended serving when mixed with skimmed milk, will provide approximately 32g of protein.
4 packs of 330g each will normally provide 44 servings.
Strawberry flavour.
Cheers guys and gals 
[Edited on 25-01-2004 by GREG 1]
Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
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Don't waste your money. You'd gain better with free weights (dumbells, barbell etc). Machines are ok to add to a workout, but you wont get far with using one alone.
Those York supplements are crap.
Registered: 28th Jul 00
Location: Essex
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oh damn it
Registered: 24th Mar 02
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same as wot craig sed.
wen i first started out it was all machines i used but, noticed they were pretty shit really,
free weights are alot better, ull notice hgains a lot quiker aswell.
Registered: 24th Mar 02
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have a look on ebay, my mates just bought a good bench, came with 250kg weights, its a proper olympic one, he got it for 300 with delivery
Registered: 26th May 02
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yer free weights use a shit load more muscles per exerise than machine weights
as for the protein supplements im not sure, best ask si, hes a body builder
Registered: 23rd Oct 02
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quote: Originally posted by Andy@CruisinUK
have a look on ebay, my mates just bought a good bench, came with 250kg weights, its a proper olympic one, he got it for 300 with delivery
or trade it- i got a bench, dumbells, shit loads of weights, and a sit up thingy, for 50 quid, ppl didnt know what they were giving away
Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
User status: Offline
If i was you, i'd forget about supps for a while and save your cash. I think it's safe to say your diet resembles nothohing of a bodybuilders diet?
Get good quality protein foods down your neck every few hours.
Registered: 28th Jul 00
Location: Essex
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Yes but building up your body helps as does the food ?!
Stone Cold Rattlesnake
Registered: 12th Jun 02
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quote: Originally posted by Craig W
Don't waste your money. You'd gain better with free weights (dumbells, barbell etc). Machines are ok to add to a workout, but you wont get far with using one alone.
Those York supplements are crap.
Yeah agree totally with that, free weights are the way to build speaking from experience.
Registered: 23rd Jul 03
Location: Luton-Drives BMW 330Ci Coupe
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Get free weights, a simple bench, barbell, dumbells and a stack of weights...take creatine, glutamine, multi vit and drink loadsa water.......york supplements r rubbish, there are loadsa sites for other supplements, but alot of em is crap...jus make sureur eatin the right amount of protein carbs etc at the rite times.....
Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
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quote: Originally posted by GREG 1
Yes but building up your body helps as does the food ?!
Without the food/protein, you wont grow - simple.
What do you mean building up your body helps?
Registered: 28th Jul 00
Location: Essex
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quote: Originally posted by Craig W
quote: Originally posted by GREG 1
Yes but building up your body helps as does the food ?!
Without the food/protein, you wont grow - simple.
What do you mean building up your body helps?
Well... i don't want to just eat loads of food and get fat, i want to get a bit bigger bust mostly have a nice toned, muscley body.
Registered: 23rd Jul 03
Location: Luton-Drives BMW 330Ci Coupe
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ur diet is more important than ur gym routine imo
Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
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Greg to build muscle you have to consume more calories than your body needs, by doing this you will put on a little bit of fat, thats why people generally bulk, then cut etc.
Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
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quote: Originally posted by scandalous110884
ur diet is more important than ur gym routine imo
I agree.
Most beginners overlook this, they think if they lift weights 24/7 they'll grow - wrong. Over-training is the main reason people don't grow.
Bodybuilding is more of a lifestyle, to build muscle and maintain it takes a hell of alot of time and dedication.
Registered: 23rd Jul 03
Location: Luton-Drives BMW 330Ci Coupe
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Very true....I trained for a year and put on about 3lbs! Then I started researching on net etc and foundthe correct do's and dont's and put on nearly 2stone in muscle......took ages tho but worth it, however peeps need to realise u need to be very dedicated to get CraigW said..
Registered: 4th Mar 01
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All you needs a barbell and power rack, maybe a bench too for triceps and chest.
Then a stack weights
Registered: 24th Apr 02
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if ya goin for muscle then u r gunna have to at least double ur protein intake, the more protein u eat the more it helps! that doesnt just mean 1 tin of tuna be4 u do ya weights. . . it means takin a steady amount at set intervals. . . ie. . . so much protein every hour or wat eva. . . just so that it is all in intervals. . .7 days a week!
oh and free weights are much better, but if u r just gettin back into the gym then start on the machines for a bit then slowly bring the free weights into ur training plan. . . its all bout building up the training as ur body builds itself back up!
Hope that helps!
Registered: 4th Mar 01
Location: lurkin' somewhere........................
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So why not just start light with the free weights and build technique
Registered: 28th Jul 00
Location: Essex
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yar !
Registered: 1st Jun 02
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quote: Originally posted by GREG 1
quote: Originally posted by Craig W
quote: Originally posted by GREG 1
Yes but building up your body helps as does the food ?!
Without the food/protein, you wont grow - simple.
What do you mean building up your body helps?
Well... i don't want to just eat loads of food and get fat, i want to get a bit bigger bust mostly have a nice toned, muscley body.
unfortunate typo
Registered: 28th Jul 00
Location: Essex
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