Registered: 6th Jan 03
Location: Blackburn . Drove: Dimma Saxo VTR
User status: Offline
right, problem being i have an 02 reg VTR and my parents are pissed off with me as im a learner again and that my insurance is renewed soon.
anyway my parents are not letting me buy another car as they say itl jst get vandalised again. however if i can get insured on my car i may b able to keep it. but otherwise i have got to sell it and pay my dad back quite a few thousand and b left with nothing. the car is also going to b sold for very cheap 
basically what i need to find is an insurance company that'll have me.
last year i got insured with norwich union on my dads name for 630quid and i was 17 and my dad had 50% no claims.
now however i have written off a car, got 6 points for minor things and in result am i learner again, and because i wrote the car off my dads lost 30% of the claims.
has any1 been in this situation and do u know which are the best companies and give me a rough price.