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Hi Peeps
Got Dilemma here like just found out me Gf got coldsores and she had them since she was born like its in her system anyways, since i been snogging her and just finiding out she got them does that mean i got them ? her friend told me that if i kiss her or anything while she got 1 now i mite have them for life is this a diesease or is there any thing to worry abt ??? 
Any Doctors on cs
Registered: 28th Oct 02
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i dunno.
Registered: 5th Jun 02
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i'm not doctor but
Registered: 5th Oct 01
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herpes virus
yes its contagious
yes its with u for life but usually only flares up if u are run down and can also be spread orally to the genitals
Registered: 5th Jun 02
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quote: Originally posted by Kerry
herpes virus
yes its contagious
yes its with u for life but usually only flares up if u are run down and can also be spread orally to the genitals

Registered: 26th May 02
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agreed with what Dr Kerry says, its not excatly gonna kill u tho is it lol
Registered: 24th Nov 01
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adding to wot kerry says
very contagious
Registered: 5th Oct 01
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Most people have herpes simplex - 70% have facial herpes (cold sores) and 10% have genital herpes in the UK. These figures are even higher in other countries including the USA and the developing world.
Three quarters don't know they have it: 1 in 4 will have no symptoms; 2 in 4 will have only mild symptoms and are unlikely to be diagnosed; 1 in 4 will have more noticeable symptoms and will be diagnosed.
Herpes simplex is seldom of any medical importance - some people are quite ill when they catch it but so are some people who catch flu.
It is not incurable - your immune system cures it very well and stops recurrences for most people.
There are good treatment methods for the unlucky few - medication or herbal treatments and improved lifestyle management.
It's not the only infection that stays with us once we catch it - chickenpox and glandular fever also hide in the body but no one makes a fuss about them.
Registered: 28th Oct 02
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i had glandular fever bout 7 months ago i had it for 3 months. the doctot told me once uve had it, it can never come back.
Registered: 10th Jul 02
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i get them when i am stressed, or i am in a particually sunny place, the beach, the sea, the sloaps skiing
Registered: 21st Oct 02
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Have them myself - only get them when I am very stressed tho. Doing my best not to give it to my husband, haven't done that so far.
NEVER go for oral sex with them them - once you have it on genitals it's VERY uncomfortable.
not going to kill you but doesn't make life easier either
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quote: Originally posted by dj_mikey_k
i get them when i am stressed, or i am in a particually sunny place, the beach, the sea, the sloaps skiing
skiing... yeah, have you ever been?!
Registered: 16th Nov 02
Location: Bridgend S.Wales Drives : Astra VXR
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so id there anything to worry abt then guys she got 1 now on side on lip try to avoid it by kisses on cheek and few times on lips but not full on snogs lol ??
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this is no thread i dont really want to be reading 
i hope i dont get them 
pew pew pew pewwwww
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if shes got coldsores and she sucks you off, good chance of getting genital herpes I think?
- edit - someone confirm this first before he get scared 
[Edited on 28-02-2004 by willay]
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^^^^^^^^^^^^ eurhhhhh 
thats sick! 
pew pew pew pewwwww
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quote: Originally posted by DJ Rocky
Hi Peeps
Got Dilemma here like just found out me Gf got coldsores and she had them since she was born like its in her system anyways, since i been snogging her and just finiding out she got them does that mean i got them ? her friend told me that if i kiss her or anything while she got 1 now i mite have them for life is this a diesease or is there any thing to worry abt ??? 
Any Doctors on cs
in order to get them you have to kiss her when she has blisters on her lips. word of warning it can also be transfered to the genitals. don't get your cock sucked when she has blisters
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Registered: 28th Feb 01
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quote: Originally posted by AndyW
i had glandular fever bout 7 months ago i had it for 3 months. the doctot told me once uve had it, it can never come back.
gladnular fever is epsitine barr virus not herpes simples although EBV is a herpes type virus
Registered: 29th Oct 03
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thats right you need to catch them when you can first feel them coming i.e tingling feeling then apply a steroid cream best thing to use is zovirax you need to apply it 5 times a day for 5 days even after it appears to be gone as the bacteria is still under the skin,
Darren M
Registered: 22nd Mar 01
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quote: Originally posted by AndyW
i had glandular fever bout 7 months ago i had it for 3 months. the doctot told me once uve had it, it can never come back.
well thats bolloxs 
i had it in last year of school for about 6 months.... my gp now thinks i have it again but not certain untill i see the specialist.
once you have had a virus like this you will ALWAYS have it. word of warning mate you should look after yourself
Darren M
Registered: 22nd Mar 01
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quote: Originally posted by Hannah
thats right you need to catch them when you can first feel them coming i.e tingling feeling then apply a steroid cream best thing to use is zovirax you need to apply it 5 times a day for 5 days even after it appears to be gone as the bacteria is still under the skin,
that bastad nismo  
Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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quote: Originally posted by Hannah
thats right you need to catch them when you can first feel them coming i.e tingling feeling then apply a steroid cream best thing to use is zovirax you need to apply it 5 times a day for 5 days even after it appears to be gone as the bacteria is still under the skin,