Registered: 23rd Sep 02
Location: Dunstable Drives: 52 Plate BMW 3 M Sport Coupe
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Has anyone had it before? im not sure if i have it, i've recently been coughing and haven't been able to breath after i actually cough.
A minute ago i found it so hard to breath that i had to bang the radiator for my dad, i thought i was gonna collapse. i'm quite worried.
Anyone who knows anything about it please help
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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Registered: 28th Feb 01
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Bordetella pertussis.
did you not have the jab when you were a kid?
Registered: 8th Apr 02
Location: Stonehaven (Scotland)
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did you swallow your tongue?
Registered: 23rd Sep 02
Location: Dunstable Drives: 52 Plate BMW 3 M Sport Coupe
User status: Offline
I didn't have the jab cos i caught whooping cough when i was 7 months old. But what i've got now is really bad, i couldnt breath for over 10 seconds.
Registered: 23rd Sep 02
Location: Dunstable Drives: 52 Plate BMW 3 M Sport Coupe
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No i didnt' swallow my tongue, my throat closed up and i couldn't get air into my lungs.
Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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your most likely immune to it if you've had it. the vaccine is whole cell
Registered: 8th Apr 02
Location: Stonehaven (Scotland)
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Ok. Gotcha
Registered: 26th Apr 03
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Whooping cough, that'll be accompanied by mucus at least at the late stage, you'd be coughing up bucketfulls. No exaggeration. Early on feels and sounds like a bad cough, even a smokers cough with expectoration (coughing up mucus). Then the cough is like 10 or more coughs which sounds like a whoop, often it jarrs you so much you puke.
The doc would put anyone who suspected as having it on for starters, antibiotics.
If you are not experiencing the mucus bit, its probably a respiratory infection or damage, which could have occured from something like paint fumes etc.
Check it out at the docs asap.
Registered: 23rd Sep 02
Location: Dunstable Drives: 52 Plate BMW 3 M Sport Coupe
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Wot the fuck have i got now? I didnt have the jab. And my cough sounds exactly like what i just heard on a website. I'm just worried its gonna happen again but i wont be able to breath for longer, i was really frightened last time.
Registered: 23rd Sep 02
Location: Dunstable Drives: 52 Plate BMW 3 M Sport Coupe
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Hmmm paint fumes, sounds fimiliar. I have had a bit of mucus, but not loads. And it did sounds like a smokers cough to start with.
Registered: 26th Apr 03
Location: Cheshire
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Don't worry, just go to the hospital and tell the Triage nurse who grades you as urgent, moderate or not urgent, that you have not been able to breathe and you blacked out, they'll see you fast.
Better safe than sorry.
Registered: 26th Apr 03
Location: Cheshire
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If it was a normal flu like cough and your immune system or respiratory function was not up to scratch you may have damaged or irritated the lungs by something else.
But go check it out.
Registered: 23rd Sep 02
Location: Dunstable Drives: 52 Plate BMW 3 M Sport Coupe
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I'm pretty sure it is whooping cough, just listened to the samples again and my cough is exactly the same. I'm going to the doc's first thing on monday
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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I had hooping cough when I was about 10. Constant coughing - as you tried to regain your breath you'd just start coughing again... - finallly resulting in either coughing up flem or vomitting.
Missed a whole term off school.
I used to just have a ice cream tub - that I'd basically fill up with vomit every day... it became part of life... You'd cough, cough, cough, cough, cough for about 15 mins and then throw up.
remember having mates round - and I started coughing and said 'don't follow me' - went round the corner to throw up and they followed and were totally grose'd out 
Tried going back to school - but similar thing happened... first day I went back I was told to go to the sick room by the teacher because I was throwing up ... spent whole day there and felt it was pointless coming in.
Had my lungs scanned and my lung tissue had actually been damaged. I found it very hard to breathe - and was declared as now having asthma because of my poor state of lungs.
I had a thing you could blow into to messure your force of air / quantity - and it was pitafully low.
Thankfully, just got better - never actually used an asthma thingy and about a year later I found that thing that measured your breath and I was back to normal sort of level.
Have no problems breathing now - but wasn't sick for about 7/8 years after I had hooping cough. It was getting very very very wasted that finally gave me the ability to do that again 
- Sorry for essay...
Paul J
Registered: 23rd Sep 02
Location: Dunstable Drives: 52 Plate BMW 3 M Sport Coupe
User status: Offline
Cheers for the info Paul, the last time when i couldn't breath i thought i was gonna be sick, hense why i ran to the toilet
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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I hope for your sake its not what you've got mate - but I suppose coz I was 10 (or younger ... can't really remember) - it would of had a worse effect - than it would now.