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see what i mean lol peeps are still getting me wrong i NEVER said a gsi would beat you   i said it would not be too far behind
another comparison is comparing a standard 1.4 16v with a standard 1.6 16v theres nearly 20bhp between them an the 1.6 is not that much faster is it in fact as ive owned both an you although you never drove it standard the only difference is abit more pull in 5th gear
an the 2.0 has alot more go im not saying tuning a 1.6 is bad it is kool its just people think there getting alot of power from inlets when really there just releasing power that was already there in the first place, but im not slating it am i!!!!!!!!!, even greasmonkey just showed donnas car needed more power than a red top just to keep up to 100mph an still lost out top end
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but its still tuning it, even tho the power is easy to get at, can tsee why you dont think a new inlet is tuning the power aint there as such but its easy to get at? i have driven more than 1 standard 1.6 and know mine feels alot faster than one, my mates brother has a standard 1.6 and he says mine feels faster. tis a difficult thing to understand power/torque etc.... without puttign the 3 cars together, think when u get ur 2.0ltr me u and ur misses car will have to habe a go. reason mine is only 138bhp is the lexmaul, if i swap it for a velos of manzel itll release more power to take it up alot. gunna try it one day i think
Registered: 4th May 02
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i never said it was'nt tuning lol
and i never said yours was slow did i, i know it is now alot faster.
may aswell forget this debate as peeps dont know what im gettin at, think greasmonkey does
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Registered: 6th Dec 02
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im baffeled lol! you say its not slow but a standard gsi would be hard to shake off? you say you dont know why people think that a new inlet is getting power as its already there but its stil ltuning?
Registered: 4th May 02
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what! fitting a inlet is tuning all im saying is its releasing power that is just been restricted so the 20bhp odd is already there not as if it took alot of work to achieve it thats all so when peeps are getting quite good gains its only because the power is already on hand to be released because of the restriction an to me thats nothing to be proud of.... as if every lad in britain did the same we'd all have the same power so its nothin special is it
an you still have not listened i never said you would not shake off a gsi i said it would not be too far behind read my theory about the 1.4/1.6 having nearly 20bhp between them an the 1.4 keeps up quite well but could no way win
an that was a joke about the 5 secs but u did say at mk cruise few weeks ago you 1.4 was 8-8.5 secs to 60 cos you said that bird in here golf could not keep up, so i was jokingly saying if the 1.4 did 8-85 the 1.6 must do high 5's  just a joke lol
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quote: Originally posted by corsa120
bet a standard gsi would still keep with brosters but not beat it but i pay money to say he could not leave one although alot of ya will disagree
to me that says i would not shake it off! saying i would not leave it and it would keep with me!!! when i tried my 1.4 against the golf it didnt beat me and guessed a ruff time of 8-8.5ish second to 60 for it, mayeb that was slightly low but i got that from what people say the gsi is 8.5 (the c16xe engine) as i had a got against one of these and i beat it to 60. before people say racing to 60 dont mean anything im agree to a point! and if every lad in britan did the same mods to all cars they wouldnt be specail tho would they!!!
Registered: 17th Oct 00
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The Lexmaul inlet manifold doesn't gain power by replacing the "restrictive" inlet manifold like the Mantzel and Velos units.
Instead it has a similar volume, but with different length inlet chambers as they meet the ports on the lower half of the inlet manifold.
The idea is that air is forced in at a greater velocity rather than just reducing the distance the air has to take.
Registered: 17th Oct 00
Location: Cambridgeshire
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So you don't want to buy my car then?
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Registered: 6th Dec 02
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out of interest karl, what engine mods would you see as something to be proud of?
Registered: 4th May 02
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no you would not shake one off im not saying it would be 2 foot of ya rear bumper but would not be miles behind ya
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quote: Originally posted by corsa120
no you would not shake one off im not saying it would be 2 foot of ya rear bumper but would not be miles behind ya
i beg to differ!
Registered: 4th May 02
Location: Northamptonshire
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like i said mark a 1.4 has nearly 20bhp less than a 1.6 as standard and the 1.4 is not that far behind so.....
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Registered: 6th Dec 02
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well the 3 1.6's i came accorss must have been fucked then. end of!
Registered: 4th May 02
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yeh they would be would'nt they of cause not every one is always trying, dunno why peeps are gettin so defensive, i only saying 30 ponies is not that much really, but it is enough to be happy with, have to keep my mouth shut from now on wont i broster is the king  
[Edited on 11-05-2004 by corsa120]
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yes i am . dude these three were trying never mind hu! only reason im getting deffencive as i believe im correct in what i say, where as you believe what yo usay to be correct, difference of opinions, if we all agreed it would be dull and boring!
[Edited on 11-05-2004 by broster]
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quote: Originally posted by corsa120
an b19 gav a 150 bhp 1.6 corsa will still not beat a stock 2.0 in a corsa so how is it more fun, dont bring up the handling either as thats a urban myth lol
i would have more fun in tuning up my stardard 1.6 16v than JUST whack a stardard (well, a 2.0 with zhorst, induction....etc the basics) 2.0 engine!
yeah..... if ya tune the bollock of the 2.0ltr then yeah..... all good! but just whacking in a 2.0 isnt all that fun tbh
i didnt say that all the fun would come from BEATING a 2.0 in a race.... cos it properly wouldnt (not sure wat the times r on both cars so thats why i used the word PROPERLY)

[Edited on 11-05-2004 by B19 GAV]
pew pew pew pewwwww