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Author 9 POINTS £180 FINE+A BREAK IN (all in 2 weeks)

Registered: 11th Aug 01
Location: Pontefract Yorkshire
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   12th Aug 04 at 16:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

as above i ahve received 9 points on a previously clean license in 2 weeks. i am a carefull driver and never realy break the speed limit. but as usual the idiots still go round and the honest road users get punished.
where does all the revenue go?
first got caught in nottingham on a speed cam doin 37 in a 30, then on same road on same cam goin thru a red light. it was an amber gamble that turnd red at last minute. wud not hav caused an accident. wud never intentionally run a red light.
then in scarboro other nite there was a pig just hiding over a rise in road waitin 4 unexpecting motorists. caught me doin 49 in a 30. hands up to that it was fast but was in a unfamilar area and the fucking pig was hid like a trap door spider.

60 pound fine for each offense.
then to add insult to injury i took my bird out for a meal in leeds other day in day light and my saxo vtr got broke in. screwdriver forced between lock. apparantly a weak point. in middle of day in town centre.
they took my fone my wallet, cds, kenwood mask cd player, birds fone and sum viagra jellys. went to police station asked if there was cctv, there was. i thought nice one. but then they said they get taped over every 15 minutes. so they cant keep a security camera running but they can a revenue making speed camera. i say lets not bother mot-ing, buying, registering, taxing, insuring motors, its the honest roads users that get shat on all time. i know sumone who has got away with all these offenses for nearly 15 years.

last chance sallon as for license. standar headunit for cd player, battered samsung a800 for a fone and passenger door not opening as cant afford it fixing and cant claim coz of premiums.

fookin nitemare


[Edited on 12-08-2004 by LIAM1]

[Edited on 12-08-2004 by LIAM1]

Registered: 10th Nov 02
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12th Aug 04 at 16:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i would top myself

Registered: 11th Jun 03
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12th Aug 04 at 16:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

look out for any guys with lots of money, a new phone, cds and bonors

Seriously sh!t luck dude.

Registered: 25th Oct 01
Location: Hull
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12th Aug 04 at 16:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

thought i was in the shit with 3 points and a 60 quid fine, but this is bizerk !, sorry to hear it tho mate, like they say it doesnt rain it pours...

Registered: 22nd Jul 04
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12th Aug 04 at 16:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by MORRIS69
look out for any guys with lots of money, a new phone, cds and bonors

Seriously sh!t luck dude.

Sorry to Hear that mate...
The Wee Cunts Prob dont no what they are theyll be bent double for weeks

Registered: 11th Aug 01
Location: Pontefract Yorkshire
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12th Aug 04 at 16:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i know its shit and insuirance due in oct.
not working either coz left my job to work abroad but now am back i cant go back, also said girlfriend has turned into a psycho bitch so we rnt together.

however i did 2-1 a dirty bird other nite wi my mate

every cloud??????

Registered: 22nd Jul 04
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12th Aug 04 at 16:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

a good we spit roastin never goes a miss

Registered: 3rd Sep 02
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12th Aug 04 at 16:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

make sure u buy a lottery ticket this week, coz with al that bad lcuk, u must b due some good

Registered: 14th Nov 00
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12th Aug 04 at 16:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Pay someone with a clean license to take 3 points.

Registered: 7th Aug 02
Location: Nottinghamshire
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12th Aug 04 at 16:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Liam, notts is pretty bad for camera's. You can loose your clean licence for driving over 40mph along 1/2 a mile of our ring road as there are camera's every 100 yards!

BTW you dont know a Jenny Griffeths do you, older sister called Emma? She lives up ponty and know a few of the local croozers...

Registered: 11th Aug 01
Location: Pontefract Yorkshire
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12th Aug 04 at 16:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

tomas it was on the ring road coming toward the motorway to come back up north. the fotos are upstairs id go tell u exact road and camera if i cud be arsed.
yes nott is very very back for cameras.
alot of them rnt signposted or have the white markings on road.


you cant give your points away.

how many years for them to come off and how much will it put my insurance up.

sell up uni-uni time i think

Registered: 7th Aug 02
Location: Nottinghamshire
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12th Aug 04 at 16:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yup I know the ones... Nuttal island J27 I think near the gateway hotel... that section is all 30mph the it goes to 40mph for the proper ring road (near QMC to Arnold). They are super camera's with like a 99.9% hit rate, cost £££'s but also bring in £££'s from speeders.

At a guess your insurance will ROCKET up, ive never had a point in 4years driving (about 70K miles!!) and insurance still costs a bomb. You off to uni then? If so will a car be that important for you? Usually takes 5years before the insurace companies arent bothered sometimes 3years if your lucky but sp30's are considered as one of the more minor offenses, driving without due car and attention/drink driving etc is MUCH worse!

Registered: 26th Jan 03
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12th Aug 04 at 16:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by LIAM1
went to police station asked if there was cctv, there was. i thought nice one. but then they said they get taped over every 15 minutes.

that is seriously shit what is the point of them having it then? I'd complain about that!

Registered: 24th Mar 04
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12th Aug 04 at 16:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Liam not meaning to put the boot in but FFS if you left that much stuff in your car, day or not then your asking for trouble. I've seen cars broken into for a packet of fags..not a full pack either...

Registered: 11th Aug 01
Location: Pontefract Yorkshire
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12th Aug 04 at 16:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yeh nuttall road mate remember now.
thinkin of goin thru clearin to trey get to uni. cant afford car and def want points to fuck off. realy dont deserve em mate.

got a v reg silver vtr very nice lowered 60mm all round just wank coz passenger door doesnt fuckin open sumtimes and lock. locks propa bust cant afford it fixing.

will never go to nott again. went down for a mates birthday stooped in travel lodge opposite that bar that has birds serving u in bikinis and shit.
very tasty.

points smoke pipe

Registered: 11th Aug 01
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12th Aug 04 at 16:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

the face of the headunit was under the seat, the fones were in glovebox as were evrything else.
nothing was on show im not that slack but take it u cant even trust gloveboz these days.
gay as fook

Registered: 10th Apr 02
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12th Aug 04 at 17:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

you deserve it mate (not the break in obviously!! ) but at the end of the day, you may have been unlucky with the lights, speeding etc but speed camera's, police etc, are put in specific places for a reason
Marco The Corsa Man

Registered: 24th Mar 04
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   12th Aug 04 at 18:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I don't leave anything in my car. Besides, If I'm having a meal I usually have my wallet and phone with me, and its pointless having a face off if you leave the face in the car, hidden or not. Remember, If you thought to put it there its not unlikely pikey scum will think to look there.

I know what its like to get broken into. I had the car done a few week ago and the head unit (none face off) taken, but its tough when you have to learn the hard way.

Registered: 11th Aug 01
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12th Aug 04 at 18:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

wot did u do mate did u claim for the damage and cd player or not?

i cant and gettin hold of a decent cheap headunit is hard.

ebay hardly has decent masks on. missd the best one last week.

wont leave owt in again but i have enuf stuff i have to carry places wen im outa car. wallet fone cd player face keys, we'll be needin a hand bag soon


Registered: 7th Aug 02
Location: Nottinghamshire
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12th Aug 04 at 18:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Dont let it put you off Notts matey. Ummm you mean Hooters
- Just off London Road near the station. Im a lucky fecker for not having 1 point but suppose its cos I know the local roads like feck, heck even know the cops favourite spots to sit hiding and also sit with there lazer guns!

Dont let it put you off driving but if you really havent got the cash then just do your uni thing and use public transport. I remember the days before the car - I used to ride everywhere on my MTB and tell you what if I got wet/muddy etc I didnt care. Now I wont even go out if it rains LOL!

Good luck with whatever you choose matey...
Marco The Corsa Man

Registered: 24th Mar 04
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   12th Aug 04 at 18:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I had a smashed window which was £50 on insurance but I didn't claim for my head unit even tho it was £200, My Exess is £250 so it wasn't worth it. I went and spent £200 on a new face off head unit which was a bit painfull but my only option. I need another bird so I can get her to carry all my stuff in a hand bag.

Registered: 11th Aug 01
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12th Aug 04 at 18:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

cheers tomas son.
thing is bird had a massive bag wi her that day, just cudnt b arsed wi the hassle coz she ranted wen i filled it wi stuff.

cheers guys, but i realy do think that the law abiding citizens of this country get a ruff deal.

roll on retirement and emigration
big eck

Registered: 20th Apr 03
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12th Aug 04 at 18:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Meat-Pie-SRI
you deserve it mate (not the break in obviously!! ) but at the end of the day, you may have been unlucky with the lights, speeding etc but speed camera's, police etc, are put in specific places for a reason

Sorry mate but that is a load of bollocks, I dont know where the speed cameras are positioned down south but up here there no where near the places they should be like accident black spots, there all in clear stretches of road in the middle of no where.

Registered: 23rd Aug 00
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12th Aug 04 at 18:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

seriously bad luck mate

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