Registered: 10th Sep 03
Location: Boreham, Essex
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wot do ppl reckon to mud flaps on a corsa gsi???
gettin a gsi kit fitted and not sure is i should get rear mud flaps. wot ya reckon???
Registered: 9th Dec 03
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I personally don't like them
Registered: 18th Jun 04
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Nick A
Registered: 28th Nov 04
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mudflaps are a thing of the pass!!
Registered: 3rd Sep 04
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unless u live in the sticks like me and u get mud and all kinds of shit being spray over your car then get them but when my car goes euro they wont be there.
Registered: 19th Oct 04
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dont think they'd look right on a gsi. they look ok on standard corsa's even they dont do much, you should see the state of my car at the mo, i even have mud on the wing mirrors
Registered: 2nd Aug 04
Location: Ilford, Greater London
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my car has standard vauxhall mudflaps, cant really tell that they are there, dont kno how to post pics or i would post them up to show ya.
Registered: 3rd Sep 04
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I've got the rally slag flaps
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Registered: 6th Dec 02
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rear ones yeah, not the front on a gsi will look silly, but the rear look so much better on a standard gsi rear, makes it look lower IMO
Registered: 20th Aug 01
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My 195 tyres throw up loads of muck on the tailgate, think its because the wheels are so close to the boot, combined with wider tyres and damp roads doesn't help! I've thought about mud flaps but think they'd look gay!
I've seen em on a white corsa, all the arches are still in black and they look spot on, but dont think black or colour coded flpads wud suit mine, shame tho cos i'm sick of stone chips down my drivers door as well!
Black Corsa SRi
Registered: 25th May 02
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yeah i agree they are good for making the car look a bit lower
Registered: 26th Jan 03
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mine are still on & have been since i bought the car
Registered: 18th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by Aled
unless u live in the sticks like me and u get mud and all kinds of shit being spray over your car then get them but when my car goes euro they wont be there.
hmm i should get some.... i have to clean car too much 
send em my way if u dont want em people
[Edited on 08-12-2004 by mjw_2k2]
Registered: 12th Dec 03
Location: Brighouse
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I like um, ny car lowerd 60mm on 15`s and the rear of The Corsa B is still a little high so i put them on just looks that little lower. fils the rear out a little