Registered: 29th Mar 01
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quote: Originally posted by willay
IBM are too busy with their issues with SCO lol.
lol or is it IBM are too busy building chips for Playstation 3, Revloution, XBox360 - hmm think they might sell more of them than macs 
It will be intersting to see how well OSx works with Intel - From Apple direct I would image it would be fairly easy as its all limited hardware but its a whole new ball game to get OSx installable on any Intel hardware.
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by willay
IBM are too busy with their issues with SCO lol.
yes OSX has that pretty element that XP brought to our desktops, but thats nothing you cant get with a different window manager
aye, but tbh ibm arnt really bothered considering majority of the new game consoles will be using a form of the power pc chip, which is a bigger percentage than what apple has had over the last few years, so there not loosing much mulla.
although im unsure of the whole RISC to CISC - apple say they've had OSX running on x86 intels since the start of OSX, but there hasnt been any performance figures of all of this, apart from that the intel system saves 70% more power per MHz.....although AMD have the best processors for this, so 
anyways, i think im gonna wait until i get myself a mac for music production - see what happens etc by Xmas you might beable to pick up a dual 2gig G5 for a few hundred (well thats what im hoping )
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by Hagger
i'd get a pc over a mac anyday , they run shit when using a pc as a main server , photoshop is actually quikcer on my pc at work then my mac .
difference is = Mac OS is poop
at the end of the day, you cant compare a current mac to a pc, one is RISC the other CISC.....but even though you "say" that yours runs crap, i think you need to take a look into a graphics, video editing or music production studio and tell us what computer systems they are using? i think you'll find it will be a mac
Registered: 29th Mar 01
Location: southampton
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quote: Originally posted by Dom
although im unsure of the whole RISC to CISC - apple say they've had OSX running on x86 intels since the start of OSX, but there hasnt been any performance figures of all of this, apart from that the intel system saves 70% more power per MHz.....although AMD have the best processors for this, so 
I do think that once they have moved over to intel per $ they will be betting more performance out of the performance when you buy thr systems direct from Mac but people have to realise that its not going to be like Windows PCs - it will be a fixed hardware list. It 'might' work on other bits its probably not guarenteed. Althought windows is no where near as good as OS-X the fact is its probably compatible with 100x as much hardware than is available for the mac
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
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i work in a graphic design studio, no pc's here
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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aye, arnt they looking at DRM on the intel chips? 
but yes, apple will still use fixed hardware as that is where their monopoly is and they will loose a shed load of cash if they open themselves up - although it does mean that they can use better, more up-to-date hardware etc So macs should be getting similar spec'd graphics cards and the like.....
but im still unsure about the whole performance issue - and although in theory per $ they should be better, we dont know whether they are infact going to be cheaper? whats stopping them keeping the prices the same?
eitherway, its all going to be interesting, and like said im just hoping that stuff like G5s will fall in price so i can get my hands on a nice dual system
Registered: 28th Feb 04
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Don't get one. They're shite.
As said above, they're good for graphics. Nowt else.