Registered: 16th May 02
User status: Offline
Check out my awesome & funny T-shirt's available for you guys to buy at special prices !!!......
All shirts are £12 each (including FREE p+p) anywhere in UK & EUROPE
Payment Methods Accepted:
Paypal - Simply send £12 to my PayPal address: Stebliss@hotmail.com - stating the shirt 'design name' and your prefered colour and size from the list below.
Cheques / Postal orders - U2U me for address details for sending cheques and postal orders - when sending payment remember to include your contact details, your address, and what the payment is for (Design, size colour + second choice colour if first is not available)
Cash - Cash also accepted but not reccomended !!! - If you are going to send cash I would reccomend sending it 'recorded delivery' and if you are putting any loose coinds in there, tape them between two peices of card so they dont rattle about - tempting postman pat to buy a pint or two with it.
Available Sizes/Colours (in all the following designs)
Athletic Gray - S, M, L, XL, XXL
Yellow - L, XL, XXL
Black - S, L , XL, XXL
NAVY - S, M , L , XL , XXL
RED - S, M, L, XL, XXL
Brown - XL only
Sky blue - XL only
Orange (yuk! but stands out) - XL only
Design Name - 'CHINEESE TEXT'
Try and work out what it says, well when you read the text at the bottom you should beable to figure it out for yourself, great shirt for wearing out, bound to get some good laughs !!! - Pricing, available colours and sizes all listed above

Design Name - 'YOU TWAT' - Taken from the famous War Time poster 'britain needs you' - The same guy pointing but calling you a twat!! GREAT !! - Pricing, available colours and sizes all listed above

Design Name - 'Kill Off The Chavs' - Taken from the famous Vans logo 'Off The Wall' but with an all new twist - Kill Off The Chavs ! - Dont we all agree ??? - Pricing, available colours and sizes all listed above

Design Name - 'Bada Bing!' - We all know the saying Bada Bing ! made famouse from the hit movie The Supranos ! Sport this cool looking shirt ! - Pricing, available colours and sizes all listed above

Design Name - 'Natural Born Hustler' - As seen worn by many famous stars including JAY Z on MTV etc - For all you Natural Born Hustler Pimps out there - You know you want one !!

More Designs will be added soon, Think i may need to make the pictures slightly smaller aswell !!!
I can get custom tee's made also - u2u me your design - need to be ordered in fairly large quantities though (atleast 25 shirts at a discounted price of course) to qualify for your own 'custom design'
thanks for looking all !!!
[Edited on 29-07-2005 by 5doormodder]