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Registered: 6th Dec 02
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ok, i used to have a 3.4ghz alien ware area 51 or something laptop, it is a year old and its shagged, worked so very well when it was working but had so many probs so i now have about £1300 to spend on a new laptop.... what do people recommend? no i wont get a desk top! and it needs to look kinda cool...
please help!
Mad Moe
Registered: 14th Jun 01
Location: Northumberland
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Would Alienware not sort it under warrenty? I've just ordered a Sentia™ m3200 12.1" Laptop from them and the 2 year warrenty with it seems pretty comprehensive.
Registered: 29th Mar 01
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yeah Id imagine it would still be under warrenty. If not could easily get it fixed for cheaper than a new comp as thats a good laptop.
If you do want a new one look at the new range from Apple if you dont mind not having windows (can still run all the microsoft apps these days on it though).
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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The new apple laptops are just normal laptops with macos on them.
Registered: 26th Jan 03
Location: Atherton, Greater Manchester
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mark give me your old one to have a go at fixing it (dont forget i worked for 3 years servicing laptops in an authorised repair centre) and ill give you a hand getting another good one cheap if i canae fix your current laptop cheaply 
[Edited on 18-01-2006 by PaulW]
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
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surely a format will sort it
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Registered: 6th Dec 02
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dave, no.
its 10days out of its warentee, im also fed up with sending it too and from alienware, i think its been fixed now tho... cost enough, wil find out tomorrow, still looking for new ones tho...
ill look at sentia ones....
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
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Whats wrong with it then?
Registered: 14th Dec 03
Location: Shawbury, Shropshire
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just dont buy a laptop from comet lol
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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sonys new vaio laptop with some new screent echonlogy like x-black lcd or something along those lines. boy in my class has one and their amazing