Registered: 10th Nov 05
Location: Boston, Lincs Drives: 1.4 Sport & 2.2 astra
User status: Offline
Just bought a panasonic, D5.1, 400w, dvd, home cinema sound system and finding it a fcuk to wire up to my existing system.
Ive already sorted the five speakers and sub wiring and erected the stands. The problem is i already have sky+ and a vcr wired up to the tele, which is fairly old, and im a bit lost of wot to do with wot wire. The cinema kit only came with a video cable (like just the yellow one of an RCA) and a scart (no audio RCAs, optical lead, or s-video cable) for wiring up to the system. Before i get in too deep has anyone wired up a speaker system to a similar sytems? (e.g sky+ and a vcr)
Registered: 10th Nov 05
Location: Boston, Lincs Drives: 1.4 Sport & 2.2 astra
User status: Offline
If i just pluged the scart into the back of the remaining socket on the vcr, wud i not have to use the video cable? and then i wud have to sort out audio some how
Registered: 10th Nov 05
Location: Boston, Lincs Drives: 1.4 Sport & 2.2 astra
User status: Offline
i have two RCA cables and it provides two sockets for them, so thats not a problem. It says connect one to the tv and one the vcr/sky, so i can try that but if i use the scart do i need to use the video cable aswell?
Registered: 5th Oct 03
Location: Farnborough
User status: Offline
I should know this really but I cant think of it at the moment, if i remember later il post. The yellow video cable will only do video and not audio.
Whats the model number?
Registered: 10th Nov 05
Location: Boston, Lincs Drives: 1.4 Sport & 2.2 astra
User status: Offline
Registered: 10th Nov 05
Location: Boston, Lincs Drives: 1.4 Sport & 2.2 astra
User status: Offline
i came with a manual and everything but it assumes u only have one additional vcr/sky box, or nothing, not both.
Registered: 10th Nov 05
Location: Boston, Lincs Drives: 1.4 Sport & 2.2 astra
User status: Offline
VICTORY, i got it going! and i tell ya its got some alright thump behind it, considering it was only £130 from comet, i wud recomend 4 anyone, the instruction are pish tho. Uve been warned 
in case ur interested....