Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
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Keep getting calls off people saying that I can have a phone upgrade. I'm with Orange but the people that are ringing me aren't calling from Orange. One of them said he was calling from the phone supplier Anyway I ignore them as like to do everything through Orange then I know its all legit 
Signed into my Orange account and can get basically any phone I want for free because of the tariff I'm on.
I like Nokias, dont want anything else. Quite like the 6280 but its not out yet so gonna wait a few weeks then get it. Is there any other Nokias I should wait for instead?
Is there any catch with upgrading my phone now as contract is due for renewal in November?
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
User status: Offline
Or are there any particular phones that I could sell on Ebay and get a nice wad of cash to buy the Nokia I want plus a bit of profit left over?
Are there any catches in doing that? Its legal to do I presume 
[Edited on 06-03-2006 by Matty G]
Mad Moe
Registered: 14th Jun 01
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I've got an N70 and it's spot on, no complaints at all.
Registered: 19th Jan 06
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I have to agree the N70 is a top quality phone few of my friends have them and my dad is getting one soon
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
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Got the choice of:
Motorola - E1070, L6, L7, Pebl, Rokr E1, V3 Black, V3i, V3x
Nokia - 1600, 3120, 6030, 6230i, 6630, 6680, 7360, N70
Samsung - E770, D500, D600e, E350E, E720, E800, X660, Z500
Sony Ericsson - K600i, K750i, W800i
Treo - 650
Prob best to wait for better phones to come out!
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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w800i love mine its awesome
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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Loadsa unstable poopey symbian plasticy crap nokias coming out if thats your bag, plenty to choose from. N91 looks to be best, due out in month or so....
W800 is awesome, if your in no rush, wait to the k800/k790 are released or w950 all going to be awesome.
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
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I like Nokias. Always had them and like the design of them and never really had any trouble with them so like to stick to them.
Will keep an eye out for the N91
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
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I get them as well, I either keep them on the phone and waste their time or ask them difficult legal questions about how they got my details.
I buy my phones from Orange direct.
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
User status: Offline
They are a pain. Dont understand how they can offer me phones when I deal directly through Orange?
Makes me think there must be some sort of catch.
The last call I got was yesterday and it was off a normal mobile number? seemed dodgy
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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Yeah I've had that off mobile numbers.
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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3rd party compnays docklands mobile etc etc. Just trying to flog u shit. Ignore them. Untill its illegal for them to do it they will carry on.
Just ring 150 and speak to them
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
User status: Offline
So I'm doing the right thing in ignoring them then. Thats good to know. Thanks
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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we get people in all week long who get fucked over by these companies, selling em fucking 2 year contracts with am motorola v220 all of it non refundable or cancelable 
Absoloute cunts!!
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
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Just had another call about it. Told him I'm not dealing with anyone but Orange themselves. He carried on trying but I said no.
these calls are getting more and more often now
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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U think its annoying?
We get it on our feckin shop phones I kid u not!
just tell them you work for orange
Registered: 2nd Sep 03
Location: Grantham, Lincolnshire
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quote: Originally posted by Ian
I get them as well, I either keep them on the phone and waste their time or ask them difficult legal questions about how they got my details.
im getting this too, can i have some of the difficult questions please?
Registered: 9th Apr 04
Location: Cambridgeshire
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If they insist on still trying, just respond to everything they say with "cactus".
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
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quote: Originally posted by James_DT
If they insist on still trying, just respond to everything they say with "cactus".
they usually ring when I'm at work so I'll look like a bit of a tit if I do that
Registered: 7th Feb 03
Location: Hereford Drives: Audi R8 V8
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I got the N90, its a bit chunky to say the least but i got over that pretty quickly and absolutely love the phone. Its amazing for taking spy shots too cos if you tilt the screen a tiny bit when in normal mode it goes to camera mode, and you can tilt the camera around to wherever when it looks like you are writing a text
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
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I dont believe it I've just had ANOTHER fucking call from the bastards They are seriously taking the piss now