Rob B
Registered: 8th Jan 04
Location: Area Motorsport Drives: Race EP3
User status: Offline
Hi guy's, my handbrake is sticking slightly when i go to drive off in the morning off the drive like its stuck over night, and there is also a sort of grinding noise the first couple of times i brake, so im wandering what it can be ? Car still brakes perfectly fine but handbrake isnt to good?
Thanks Rob
Registered: 18th Jun 04
Location: West Yorkshire
User status: Offline
could be brake dust gumming up the works Rob
Registered: 5th Mar 06
Location: Birmingham Drives: mk4 astra gsi
User status: Offline
tek ur rear brakes apart the piston might b seased n they might b leaking.
Registered: 21st Jan 06
Location: glasgow
User status: Offline
the shoes sometime stick to the drums (or the pads to the disks) if theres moisture present. It will normally crack off and then the first few times you break will wear off the deposits.
Does your handbrake work, ie if you pull it on on a hill does it hold the car? If it does your prolly fine tbh.
I dont use mine as a parking brake at all really unless i end up parked on a mega steep hill.