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quote: Originally posted by Dave A
quote: Originally posted by Steve
The very point im making, infact. The ECU and sensors etc will adjust to suit. I agree you have to be close'ish with the timing variables otherwise you will get pre ignition, and correctional factors on the timing coming, you want to steer clear of high cf's, on modern days engines its easy enough to come close enough with a generic map to let the ecu do the rest of the adjusting and keep the correctional factors low enough.
the bits in bold are the 'ifs' and 'buts' that would worry me!
what if it wasnt close enough, do they run it on a rolling road with a laptop to see precisely whats going on with the enghine? and then if there is a slight problem do they 'live map' it to resolve the problem?
erm, no in most cases they dont. its just guesswork ecu mapping.
MMmmm close'ish etc doesn't sound too good in my eyes you want it spot on.
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quote: Originally posted by Dave A
quote: Originally posted by Steve
The very point im making, infact. The ECU and sensors etc will adjust to suit. I agree you have to be close'ish with the timing variables otherwise you will get pre ignition, and correctional factors on the timing coming, you want to steer clear of high cf's, on modern days engines its easy enough to come close enough with a generic map to let the ecu do the rest of the adjusting and keep the correctional factors low enough.
the bits in bold are the 'ifs' and 'buts' that would worry me!
what if it wasnt close enough, do they run it on a rolling road with a laptop to see precisely whats going on with the enghine? and then if there is a slight problem do they 'live map' it to resolve the problem?
erm, no in most cases they dont. its just guesswork ecu mapping.
this for me is the only real advantage of live mapping on these engines as if there is something wrong you dont wanna be shoving a map on there, if you confident your engine is as it should be then theres no harm.
In my case i have diagnostic software, and can take various outputs from the engine anyway so knew mines was a-ok before going ahead