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Author If I were to trade my car in.... (car salesmen in here please)

Registered: 8th May 03
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19th Jul 06 at 21:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

just been in the shower and thought of an example to explain it all... just gonna type it out the now so bear with me...

Registered: 8th May 03
Location: Reading
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19th Jul 06 at 21:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

CUSTOMER 1 - no trade in and £1000 cash for deposit

CUSTOMER 2 - trade in and no cash for deposit.


CUSTOMER 2 - has car appraised by salesman who underwrites to another local garage. the local garage offer to buy the trade in for £1000


At this point CUSTOMER 1 and CUSTOMER 2 are equal. both now have a deposit to put towards the new car of £1000


Car they are looking at is £10000. Salesman has £1000 discount in the car, which he gives away.


This leaves both CUSTOMER 1 and CUSTOMER 2 with a balance to change to the new vehicle of £9000

So it shows that you technically won't be able to get a bigger discount for cash than you can get if you have a trade in...

... my brain hurts now
Kyle T
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19th Jul 06 at 21:44   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Tas
ive just go 800 for my 1.2 97 crsa trip

they sed it dunt make a diff with or without alloys so i kept em off

n im tradin in 2mo for the mg zr

Eeeep no! Didnt everyone tell you to get the Lupo?

Lotus Elise 111R

Impreza WRX STi

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19th Jul 06 at 21:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I got about £1,200 for my S reg GLS ex-demo Corsa B, approx 60,000 miles. That was a small indepandant dealership tho. They sent it onto Auction tho, as the new owners phoned me a few months later after they bought it.
That's a very nice Astra tho, very low miles!
Strangely, mine came with the exact same car-phone kit attached to the dash clicky
Matt H

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19th Jul 06 at 21:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I didn't pay much for the car anyway so I'd still be better off, still not 100% sure that getting a fancy car as a runabout is a good idea, unless I change jobs & need to

We'll see

Thanks for your help
Rob H

Registered: 28th Oct 00
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19th Jul 06 at 23:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by JadeM
It was a Subaru main dealer & he just said I would be easier to deal with. He said I was getting a much better deal than her!!

[Edited on 19-07-2006 by JadeM]

From the dealings ive had, garages are much more willing to drop prices with cash, than with a p/x. It comes down to the fact, the majority of garages will get rid of the p/x through auction, and although the "book" figure they give you is much lower than retail, the book figure is only an estimate, and comes down to what the bidders are like on the day. If you offer someone £1000, or a car that should be worth £1000 (that could actually be fucked, or about to die - i've never had a garage test drive my car before giving a p/x value!), you'd always take the guaranteed £1000 rather than risk it at auction!

Going back to dropping the price with cash, if they have to auction a car to get the money, they will factor in a "safety margin" so should the car do crap at auction, or even not sell, they won't have lost as much money!

[Edited on 19-07-2006 by Rob H]

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