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@ Marc
eel you might need a bit of time, effort and thought to actually do something like that
if your a person (mebbe you are) that gives up after a few weeks and when things get hard, then mebbe you should stick to your current job
never looked into these sorts of jobs, but if your a dosser and like to just get along on what you know then give up.
if you actually have the intrest to do something with your life, try it
Edit: cant spell i think reading eel's posts wore off on me 
[Edited on 17-11-2006 by Haimsey]
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
Registered: 19th Oct 06
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joe i am hard worker i work 12 hours a day i have been in the same job from when i lefted school and i am 21 now
Registered: 25th Sep 06
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what do you work as now eel?
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quote: Originally posted by eel
joe i am hard worker i work 12 hours a day i have been in the same job from when i lefted school and i am 21 now
but for how many days 
got to laugh at "lefted"
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
Registered: 19th Oct 06
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i do 5 days a week
Registered: 20th Jun 04
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Hard worker means nothing without any qualifications. They won't want someone with nothing when there will be plenty of lads willing to put in the effort by going to college and working their way up.
Trust me you will be very very lucky if you get a job without any past bodyshop experiance. But like I said give it a go, pick up your yellow pages and have a ring around go see some people but if your serious about it you will HAVE to go to college and learn the trade.
Registered: 19th Oct 06
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well i know 2 ppl that got jobs on body shops and they had no qualifications
Registered: 25th Sep 06
Location: Wigan
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well there you go then, you asked in your first post if it was easy to get a job, why dont you ask the 2 people you know, i bet its a family run buisness
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try similar places to them then, how did they get their jobs? just asking around?
ask tehm about it then, what have they had to do since starting, whats expected of them
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
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pdwhelan WHS
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
Registered: 11th Jul 06
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quote: Originally posted by eel
well i know 2 ppl that got jobs on body shops and they had no qualifications
playing in the bodyshop's on need for speed underground????
Registered: 25th Sep 06
Location: Wigan
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quote: Originally posted by Haimsey
pdwhelan WHS
sorry whats WHS hehe i bet i work it out by the time you read this, but tell me anyway please
Registered: 20th Jun 04
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What He Said
Registered: 25th Sep 06
Location: Wigan
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thanks joe
Registered: 19th Oct 06
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ok i ring around the body shop and c
Registered: 25th Sep 06
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let us know what happens.. best of luck
Registered: 19th Oct 06
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ok will do
Registered: 19th Oct 06
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i have rang a body shop and they said i can use the nvq i have and i could got a job
Registered: 25th Sep 06
Location: Wigan
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nic one mate, good luck in that
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quote: Originally posted by eel
i have rang a body shop and they said i can use the nvq i have and i could got a job
what nvq have you got?
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If you do manage to get a job at a bodyshop without a qualification, they'll send you to college to get the qualification.
That's the best way to do it though, as you work in the bodyshop for a few weeks, then go to college for a few weeks, all through the year.
Speak to M Sutton on hre, he did that, and it worked out really well for him.
Send him a u2u, but he might not reply for a while, he'll probably be at work
Registered: 17th Feb 04
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quote: Originally posted by eel
i find it hard 2 write i have want 2 work in a body shop 4 a long time coz i like car and i am pissed of with my job i am in now
are you related to ClaireF by any chance?
Registered: 21st Nov 05
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I left school and started work on the monday when i was just about 16 to work in a bodyshop.
That was just through who i knew a think alot of stuff is these days.
and its not gonna be easy gettin an aprenticeship at your age think they like younger ppl...school leavers