Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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My PC died, had to tet a new hard drive
I have lots of music on my Ipod
If I d/l Itunes again & plug it in then it'll wipe it?
Is there a way to update my Itunes library so it copies everything from the Ipod onto my PC?
Really don't want to have to put it all on again 
[Edited on 24-11-2006 by Matt H]
Registered: 12th Jun 06
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Make sure you untick on itunes "auto update new content" or somthing like that or it will do mate. I had a virus on my pc that thought i tunes and other somftware was new intalls every time i used it and wipe 3000 songs of my ipod 
I think you can import from your ipod but i have never done it
Registered: 17th Feb 04
Location: Essssseeeeex Drives: Black Supra TT
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Just plug your iPod in and when it appears in iTunes just click and drag the songs back into your library.
Registered: 17th Feb 04
Location: Essssseeeeex Drives: Black Supra TT
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Also, I didn't think loading up a blank library deleted all the songs on your iPod, that's a bit wank if it does
Fcuking iTunes
Registered: 10th Mar 05
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if your library is empty,you can't drag songs from your ipod to your library,you need a program like podutil to do it.
Registered: 17th Feb 04
Location: Essssseeeeex Drives: Black Supra TT
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I'm fairly sure I have done this before with one or two tracks
Registered: 10th Mar 05
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you defo cant do this without downloading something like podutil first
Registered: 17th Feb 04
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my mistake
Registered: 22nd Sep 02
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no dave is correct, all the new-ish ipods and itunes allow backwards transfers WITHOUT 3rd party software, just drag and drop. in fact you can drag & drop onto a maximum of 5 different computers
Registered: 17th Feb 04
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I thought I was going insane in the membrane then
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Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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So just download Itunes, plug Ipod in & import them?
Registered: 17th Feb 04
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yes Matt
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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When I right click on a file I used to get the option to "convert selection to MP3"
Now its not there 
Had a flick through the menus & can't see any way of changing it
Registered: 17th Feb 04
Location: Essssseeeeex Drives: Black Supra TT
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can you not drag and drop them?
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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It keeps coming & going 
Also Itunes keeps repeating the same tracks 
Doing my head in 
Registered: 28th Feb 04
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Try clicking view and pressing 'view duplicates' for the duplicate problem fella and that might get rid of the problem. An utter pain in the arse that is though.
Registered: 10th Mar 05
Location: down in albion
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is this only on new ipods?can't do it on mine,and i only got it in may
oh well
Registered: 11th Aug 06
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This happened to me, had 6000+ tunes on the pod, and lost them on the PC, I downloaded CopyPod, about 600 song names were corrupt, but i diddnt give a shit 
Add me on msn, if you want me to send you copypod 
If you havnt sorted / wiped your music yet 
Edit: Typed 6000 instead of 600 
[Edited on 25-11-2006 by Whittie]
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
User status: Offline
Whittie, any chance you couls send me copypod? 
(Or anyone else)