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quote: Originally posted by Dom
quote: Originally posted by Tommy
Am i right in saying that most viruses attack Windows OS machines.
intel macs are just as open as windows systems, whereas powerpc mac (old ones) aren't.
Most viruses are doing stuff at an application level, not an architecture level. So your statement is quite off.
There arent alot of viruses/worms that are cross platform, they either attack Windows based systems or something else.
Plus Macs run OSX which is based on BSD, which is about as far as you can get from Windows.
Registered: 1st Dec 03
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TBh if you have a clue you wont gte viruses i have had my xp pc for 5 years and never had a problem, its only because morons use xp and download any old shite on them its not a fualt with the OS. Macs hold such a small share of home users that making viruses is pointless
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i think the point is that unlike xp, vista will utilise any ram you throw at it.
you could have 10gb of ram and it would still use it
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quote: Originally posted by Dom
quote: Originally posted by Tommy
Am i right in saying that most viruses attack Windows OS machines.
intel macs are just as open as windows systems, whereas powerpc mac (old ones) aren't.
since when has processor type been affected by virus'   
Registered: 1st Dec 03
Location: Northampton Drives: Pug GTi-6
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i think he means the hardware that th eintels use, which i have known of a few architecture level infections.
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WTF, is it 1988 or something
Registered: 1st Dec 03
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not recently, but it can happen. Either way if OSx was the worlds biggets OS then that too would be a target for virus coders
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Registered: 22nd Sep 02
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and TBH, when was the last time you suffered from a virus on a windows XP SP2 system? i dont think i have. I run AVG Free and the standard XP firewall and thats it. Its just that people who stick their dicks in macs that think viruses are a daily thing for windows users
Registered: 1st Dec 03
Location: Northampton Drives: Pug GTi-6
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i havent had 1 on XP
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
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quote: Originally posted by Cybermonkey
and TBH, when was the last time you suffered from a virus on a windows XP SP2 system? i dont think i have. I run AVG Free and the standard XP firewall and thats it. Its just that people who stick their dicks in macs that think viruses are a daily thing for windows users
Well viruses are old hat now, its all about worms and root kits. They strike quite alot of users but they are very stealth (deleting your hard disk and displaying a message is so 1998). These days its all about installing a service in stealth, connecting to a large botnet via an IRC server and using your machine as a DDoS zombie
Registered: 22nd Sep 02
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DoS is sooooooo XP SP1
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
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DoS or DDoS?
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I use MS DOS 6 
dont ever have any virus probs 
[Edited on 23-02-2007 by Steve]
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quote: Originally posted by willay
DoS or DDoS?
denial of service DoS
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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There are massive DDoS attacks reported to be running on at least one security firm currently.
Registered: 6th May 03
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Is the OSX/Vista thing STILL going on 
The reason I bought a Mac was that with a student discount it was cheaper than a PC equivalent and it runs Pro-Tools/Logic without a problem.
It seems silly to me running Vista if you want to use any sort of intensive software (audio/graphical) 'cause its gonna use your massive spec to make it look pretty?! If I want pretty, I'll buy flowers 
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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It won't be using your massive spec to draw the interface if the interface isn't on screen at that time.
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by Cybermonkey
and TBH, when was the last time you suffered from a virus on a windows XP SP2 system? i dont think i have. I run AVG Free and the standard XP firewall and thats it. Its just that people who stick their dicks in macs that think viruses are a daily thing for windows users
i haven't had a virus for years on my XP then again i haven't had one on a mac either. And the only reason i "dick" mac is because windows doesn't like my Protools HD setup and it's pointless having a 3K paper weight sitting on my desk when i need it to do my work 
And for the record, i think the new apple adverts are a load of shit as a lot of the stuff there spurting is bollocks 
Laney - You got a protools setup?
Registered: 6th May 03
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Yeah, I only really use it to mix tracks I've done at Uni. I run Logic with a Presonus Firepod to record at home
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quote: Originally posted by John
It won't be using your massive spec to draw the interface if the interface isn't on screen at that time.
But it'll tell me the PC I've just bought/made is under-spec'd and I don't like that
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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If its saying your system is under spec'd you don't have a massive spec'd system.
Thats nothing to do with it looking good.
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quote: Originally posted by John
If its saying your system is under spec'd you don't have a massive spec'd system.
Thats nothing to do with it looking good.
I was under the impression without a good graphics card it wasn't happy?
For the record my computer doesn't have a massive spec, I was just saying....
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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Vista and aero run fine on my insprion with built in intel graphics.
All you need is a card that supports pixel shaders 1.3.