Registered: 30th Jan 05
Location: Wales/midlands drives: 1.6 16v
User status: Offline
helloo all, after 4 days of having x16xe power, I can safely say I'm very happy with the corsa now
Couple of little things though, I dont think I have the coolant hoses on correctly, as whenever I pu tthe cap on the expanson bottle a mental amount of pressure is created in the little pipes going back into the exp. bottle? causes the small pipe ends to pish coolant everywhere
Other than this Im a happy bunny
[Edited on 15-03-2007 by Poot]
Registered: 30th Jan 05
Location: Wales/midlands drives: 1.6 16v
User status: Offline
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
User status: Offline
headgasket - a block in the pipe????
the small one on the right goes to the raditor
the small one on the left goes to the throttle body
Registered: 30th Jan 05
Location: Wales/midlands drives: 1.6 16v
User status: Offline
Right...I have the following at mo:
>>From by oil filler cap to left of radiator
>>from right of radiator to large black plastic one...kinda under where Dis pack thing is
>>top right of radiator to a t-piece, then into expansion tank
>>Piece t'd off the above goes down behind engine...by where the plastic inlet is
>>And the last hose goes from the aforementioned large black plastic piping to the underneath of expansion tank
is something wrong? have to run it without coolant cap on as it starts blowing by where the hoses are T-d, the coolant starts boiling out after about 98
head gasket is fine too
[Edited on 15-03-2007 by Poot]
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
User status: Offline
not sure about these T peices your talking about.............do they have hose clips on them???
and mine overflows if you leave the cap off, i think its because the fan cuts in or something
if you screw the cap on then und do like 20 seconds later is there alot of pressure?
Registered: 30th Jan 05
Location: Wales/midlands drives: 1.6 16v
User status: Offline
yes, a lot of pressure
What I meant was...your header tank has 2 inlets by th ecap, mine has one, and the other pipe is T'd into it....if u get me?
My mate thnks I've got one of the pipes going to the wrong place..I'm beginning to think that too, havent a clue whats wrong though
[Edited on 15-03-2007 by Poot]
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
User status: Offline
think there should only be one small one from the rad
best bet, get a right coolant bottle
Registered: 30th Jan 05
Location: Wales/midlands drives: 1.6 16v
User status: Offline
There is only 1 small(ish) pipe going from top corner of rad, by the PAS bottle?
Aaaahhh I just noticed something you put in your previous post..The pipe on the left of the coolant bottle goes to the throttle body?? As in behind where the throttle cable connects on the engine?
Scotty C
Registered: 6th Nov 05
Location: Kidderminster Drives: 1.6 16v Sport
User status: Offline
If you post a pic up and circle the bits you're stuck on, you may find you get more help
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Poot
There is only 1 small(ish) pipe going from top corner of rad, by the PAS bottle?
Aaaahhh I just noticed something you put in your previous post..The pipe on the left of the coolant bottle goes to the throttle body?? As in behind where the throttle cable connects on the engine?
in goes into the throttle body, the the other pipe coming out of the throttle body goes to the big pipe at the back of the engine (which comes from the water pump)
Registered: 30th Jan 05
Location: Wales/midlands drives: 1.6 16v
User status: Offline
Had a look at it tonight, had the inlet off and followed all the coolant pipes to the ends, and its all plumbed up correctly
I poured coolant in, put the cap on, annnd its pressurising ok now i think
cheers warren
final things to do now are
-bolt in passenger harnesses
-drill out broken bolt in downpipe & fit new
-A nice Scorpion imola backbox
-A bigger air filter (Pipercross or equivalent)