Rob B
Registered: 8th Jan 04
Location: Area Motorsport Drives: Race EP3
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I actually think you should buy a saxo, for what you use it for and tuning potential i think youd love it Dave .
Dave A
Registered: 10th Dec 03
Location: County Durham
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after working on saxos on a daily basis I can confim I wont be buying one Rob.
we do some cool carbon fibre air boxes/filters for them though
Rob B
Registered: 8th Jan 04
Location: Area Motorsport Drives: Race EP3
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Got a BMC on mine now ! , whys that Dave ? Craigs VTS with TB's runs consistant low low 14's id like to see a 1.6 Corsa do that ... i just think youd get alot more out the engine.
Dave A
Registered: 10th Dec 03
Location: County Durham
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well thats another argument altogether. if you spend the same money on a c16xe and a saxo 1.6 16v engine, the c16xe will be a faster more powerfull engine. the c16xe can see a reliable 180 bhp without too much trouble, its not easy to do that on the saxo engine without forced induction.
we have a few vts/gti's coming in for tb's soon, will see how they do, should be interesting
and as for the times on the strip, I dont know what mine will do. in a straight line its a fair bit quicker than both a 172 and a 206 180 gti (dont know what they run the 1/4 mile in? ) but I dont really race anything on the road, grown out of all that.
im sure if a stripped 1.6 16v corsa with 130ish bhp can manage 15 secs 1/4 miles then one with 180 bhp and the correct gearing wont have trouble seeing low 14's
Registered: 3rd May 00
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Great tutorial matey, even tho the chances are I will never do this it was a great read!!!
I am one of those people you talked about.......I will do anything with a car except when it comes to stripping a gearbox! Avoided at all costs! 
Thanks matey!
Registered: 2nd Mar 04
Location: Gloucestershire UK
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quote: Originally posted by Dave A
quote: Originally posted by --Rikki--
have a couple more questions about this as im thinking about doing this mod.
is it worth doing on an everyday car? (i drive to work down windy roads and a bit of town driving) or will i be up and down the box too often for it to be practical?
what sort of reduction on top end would i be looking at? 10mph? 20mph?
and what sort of rpm would the engine need to be running at to cruise at 70 in fifth on the motorway? (on an F13)
cheers for any advice
If anything, for driving round town and windy roads its a lot better, much easier to cruise round everywhere at 30 in 5th, doesnt bog down in the low revs. a lightened flywheel compliments this mod perfectly as well.
the downside is motorway driving, to sit at 70mph engine runs at about 3650 rpm, 80 is about 4100 rpm. (so about 500rpm higher than my old FD)doesnt bother me as I dont do lots of motorway driving, hasnt affected economy at all that I have noticed.
thats great stuff mate, i dont regularily go on the motorway in my corsa anyway so its looking like this is going to be a mod for me will look into a ligtened flywheel too i think, where would I get one from? or would I need to get a standard one machined?
Registered: 24th Mar 02
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quote: Originally posted by Dave A
quote: Originally posted by ainsley_brader
May I add a couple of points?
I find the gear cassette is easier to remove and install with the reverse light switch removed!
The oil should not be filled through the 13mm level plug on the diff.
It should be filled through the 17mm breather on the top turret until it runs out of the 13mm level plug (or just tip it in before you put the turret back on). Filling through the 13mmm level does not get enough oil in the box.
Personally I would use a little locktite on the crownwheel bolts. And a good quality RTV silicone can be used in place of blue hermetite!
reverse light switch removed, didnt have a problem with that, might be worth doing though agree 100% on the oil filling method, much easier to do it through the top as well. I used new crown to diff bolts but if you are reusing the old ones than as ainsley said, use a drop of threadlock on the threads, make sure its torqued up properly.
good points ainsley
maybe add them to tutorial?
Rob B
Registered: 8th Jan 04
Location: Area Motorsport Drives: Race EP3
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Dave A
well thats another argument altogether. if you spend the same money on a c16xe and a saxo 1.6 16v engine, the c16xe will be a faster more powerfull engine. the c16xe can see a reliable 180 bhp without too much trouble, its not easy to do that on the saxo engine without forced induction.
we have a few vts/gti's coming in for tb's soon, will see how they do, should be interesting
and as for the times on the strip, I dont know what mine will do. in a straight line its a fair bit quicker than both a 172 and a 206 180 gti (dont know what they run the 1/4 mile in? ) but I dont really race anything on the road, grown out of all that.
im sure if a stripped 1.6 16v corsa with 130ish bhp can manage 15 secs 1/4 miles then one with 180 bhp and the correct gearing wont have trouble seeing low 14's
Who got a 15 in a 130 bhp corsa