Registered: 25th Sep 06
Location: Wigan
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For the Corsa Sport 1.4 16v,
Had a new rad last year as old one burst.. After that the heating worked fine etc and no other problems, noticed that the temp wasnt even moving near 90 when i was driving and didnt think anything of it, it did rise when the car was idle and fan would kick in at 100.
Well anyways 2 weeks ago i noticed the temp getting higher as i was dribing but thought it was just the warm weather and sitting in traffic, it got worse when i was sat in the drive thru at mc donalds when i noticed the temp rise all the way to the red without the fan kicking in. I shit my self, pulled up on the car park and let it cool down, I didnt even check the coolant at this point.
So after just driving it around while its over heating, sometimes cooling down whilest driving i decided to check the coolant and when i opened the cap and let the preasure off it just drained right to the bottom.
I figured that was my problem so i topped it up and all was fine and the temp was rising to the correct temp while driviung around (90) and got told that when i had the rad done last year they probably just didnt do it properly and there were probably air bubbles.
But my main problem now is it keeps doing it, the water is leaking from somewere and i cant notice it, i have checked the oil and it seems fine, no mayonase or what ever it does lol. The water seems realy throthy though. Could it be leaking as im driving?
Sorry for the essay people hope someone can help as its not my car and dont want to hand it over to my girlfriend ready to blow up when she passes her driving test! 
Thanks for reading
[Edited on 04-04-2007 by pdwhelan]
[Edited on 05-04-2007 by pdwhelan]
Registered: 25th Sep 06
Location: Wigan
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Registered: 22nd Feb 04
Location: Norton, North Yorkshire
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suspect the head gasket has gone mate
there should be only a little bit of pressure in the cooling system
the gasket will prob have blown between number 4 cylinder and the water jacket so no water will be getting in the oil
any decent garage will have a coolant system tester that will check the coolant for exhaust gases present
the one we have is blue and if there is exhaust gases present due to the head or head gasket going then it will turn yellow
Registered: 25th Sep 06
Location: Wigan
User status: Offline
anyone else give me some information. realy hope its not the head gasket
Registered: 25th Sep 06
Location: Wigan
User status: Offline
Can someone tell me how i would check if its the head gasket my self.. any other symtons to look out for?
The car has not been touched since this morning when i got in from work so its had plenty of time to cool right down, sometims when i start it up cold it struggles, like the the battery is on its last legs and its in low revs, i dont sopose this has got anything to do with the head gasket has it?
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
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quote: Originally posted by burgess
suspect the head gasket has gone mate
there should be only a little bit of pressure in the cooling system
the gasket will prob have blown between number 4 cylinder and the water jacket so no water will be getting in the oil
any decent garage will have a coolant system tester that will check the coolant for exhaust gases present
the one we have is blue and if there is exhaust gases present due to the head or head gasket going then it will turn yellow
^ take to garage and get a headgasket test done (snifer test) and/or a coolant pressure test
Registered: 25th Sep 06
Location: Wigan
User status: Offline
Any idea how much that would cost? places are shut right now so i cant find out.
Cars and money are doing my head in! im seriously considering taking it off the road or just selling it and giving my girlfriend her £600 back! cant be arsed with things going wrong i dont want to give my girlfriend a car with a fucked up engine that needs x amount of money spending on it!
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
User status: Offline
the only way you can check it your self to check over for coolant leaks visualy
does the car misfire from cold start? is there to much pressure in the header tank after a short run? does the coolant smell?
Registered: 25th Sep 06
Location: Wigan
User status: Offline
the coolant does have a funny smell.. and i drove for about 10mins this morning on my way home from work and i opened the coolant cap and shit loads of air come out. i sopose its completely fucked
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
User status: Offline
get a sniffer test done, gonna cost bout £10 from a small garage
Registered: 25th Sep 06
Location: Wigan
User status: Offline
cheers mate