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Author Tonight - Joe calzaghe vs Peter Manfredo! Boxing.

Registered: 9th May 04
Location: Jimmy Bennett's la la land.
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9th Apr 07 at 16:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Both shit fights when is Amir actually going to be invlolved in a decent fight, its boring. I wouldn't like to get hit by that Enzo guy though

Registered: 11th Apr 01
Location: Liverpool
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9th Apr 07 at 16:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The Amir Khan path is a typical stunt by Frank Warren...he puts his fighters up against bums for years on end to ensure they dont get beat...this drums up/keeps interest in his fighter thus selling tickets...he doesnt want them to get beat early in case people lose interest...he has them doing this for years to make money out of them...

Then when it comes to a point where he puts them in for a title fight...he either hits the jackpot if they win or if they lose then he has already made a healthy amount out of them over the years...

Some say he is protecting them in there early years...but how many fights has Khan had now? 10 or so....and can you honestly say after say the 3rd fight he has learnt anything learn you have to go in against better and better progress...

This is all down to Frank Warren though....

Registered: 9th May 04
Location: Jimmy Bennett's la la land.
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9th Apr 07 at 17:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I know why they do it, i just think its pathetic, they harp on about how good he is, how he is the best in the country etc, let the lad fight some decent people to earn the hype, Yeha he's good but how you can claim to be the best while fighting bums is a bit of a joke!

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