Registered: 23rd Oct 05
Location: Hi
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my 360 is playing up no ring of fire.... yet but i was trying to play cod3 but it wouldnt let me join cause my nat settings were strict so i switched off my homehub and then ran the connection thing and it said it was open so i thought yay i can play, joined a server just picking my class and my xbox froze, restarted came over to the laptop look back to go on cod3 and its froze on the first screen and the lights on the control are flashing but no green on the console :S switched off and ejected disc and all the picture is all to the left as and stripey like if you set a computer to the wrong resolution. switched off and wrote this.... help!
[Edited on 23-06-2007 by Kurt]
[Edited on 24-06-2007 by Kurt]
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
Location: Hi
User status: Offline
phew... tv was in the wrong picture setting because of the crash, changed channel and back and it was fine and console hasnt froze 
thought my 360 was gonna r.i.p
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
Location: Hi
User status: Offline
ok not fixed!!! sorry for triple posting, its freezes everytime i join a game :S
and now freezes on startup!!
[Edited on 23-06-2007 by Kurt]
it seems to freeze after about a minute of use solution?
[Edited on 23-06-2007 by Kurt]
9 mins on hold is rediculous for a multi billion company!
[Edited on 23-06-2007 by Kurt]
Registered: 23rd Feb 06
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do ypou happen to speak to yourself on many occasions  
BTW phone miscrosoft ot take it to where you bought it if you still have warranty
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
Location: Hi
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yeah but according to recent survey 60% of people do but i was hoping someone would know how to fix my 360
Registered: 23rd Apr 03
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thats shit mate! i dont know wot u can do!
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
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i was thinkin maybe it got hot so ive moved everything around it hopefully it should be alrite once its cooled down *fingers crossed* thing is it was fine when i watched tokyo drift the other night
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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leave it off for a bit, no red lights means it should be alright, mine used to freeze sometimes on cod3 when joining games
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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I keep having the NAT strict problem with my BT Home Hub too
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
Location: Hi
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with the strict nat setting just unplug the hub and it should be on open... everytime i try to play forza or cod3 it freezes still
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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Yeah, thats what I do to get the NAT open again.
Registered: 1st Dec 03
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its the hub not the 360
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
Location: Hi
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tried watching thundercats lastnite and it froze so disconnected the hardrive and it was fine could a dodgy hdd cause my 360 to freeze?
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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Yeah if its the firmware thats corrupted.
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
Location: Hi
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its not the hdd now, disconected it and it did it again last time the screen froze and looked like it had a chequered flag but red, whats it mean? how do you know/fix corrupedted firmware?