Registered: 26th Sep 05
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i didnt really care for them at the time steve, did they sell better or worse than the other 2?
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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I can only laugh at one of the reasons now being brought out for the wii not being a competitor being lack of hd/blu-ray.
I'm sure you all remember without me bothering to look for threads how a console did not need a next gen drive, until the hd-dvd addon for the 360 was announced of course.
Registered: 26th Sep 05
Location: Liverpool
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im not saying its not a competitor, i got a wii just after my 360, didnt like it much so sold it. then again i never play my 360 any more but thats ust cos im too tight to buy new gamnes
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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i dont care that the wii is selling well, in fact im kind of glad its outselling the ps3 as it shows the fanboys the ps3 wasnt going to be the big hit they thought
the xbox has already been and gone, it was last years news so comparing sales with that is pointless, any sales of the xbox now are just a bonus
[Edited on 03-07-2007 by Steve]
Registered: 23rd Apr 03
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ive got a wii and 360, play on the 360 the most! thinking of selling the wii
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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quote: Originally posted by topshot_2k
not a direct competitor at all, offers no new gen graphics, lacks decent online features, no HD/Blu ray player
may be selling well but wittout big titles, next gen graphics/AI, decent online features and HD/Blu ray player it is not going to knock the PS3 or 360 off number 1 spot.
Granted, it doesn't have the power of the XBox, doesn't have a DVD drive or a Blu Ray player, but it can compete in the game stakes and I don't think you can say it doesn't have big titles.
Lacks online features? It has full internet access, has the Virtual Console for downloading Nintendo and Sega games and has online capable games coming out, Mario Strikers and Pokemon Battle Revolution.
Zelda : Twilight Princess
Mario Strikers Charged Football - With online play
Tiger Woods PGA Golf
Driver : Parallel Lines
Prince Of Persia : Rival Swords
Godfather : Blackhand Edition
Call Of Duty 3
Medal Of Honor : Vanguard
Resident Evil 4 : Wii Edition
Scarface : The World Is Yours
Final Fantasy
Madden NFL 08
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Paper Mario
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Resident Evil : Umbrella Chronicles
Splinter Cell
Fair enough some out on 360 but all have been adapted for Wii controls.
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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If your an argumentative geek who loves stats then 360 is definately the one for you
Otherwise, get whatever you want as I think everybody is sick of hearing about it
Registered: 12th Sep 02
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Loks at all the 360 fan boys in this thread 
It is a competitor and Nintendo have proved its not all about graphics, online gaming and what not! 
Fair play to Nintendo, if i had to buy a console now and had an unlimited budget i would still get the Wii.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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and sony have proven with there latest console is a flop, and that it is about having decent launch titles, and not about having blu ray 
[Edited on 04-07-2007 by Steve]
Registered: 12th Sep 02
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To be honest there both a flop imo 
they both have there fair share of issues / faults and what not, the Wii is simple, not designed to be anything special and its outselling them.
Nintendo found the whole in the market, filled it and now are storming the market.
Registered: 29th Apr 03
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nintendo only use figures sold not figures shipped like sony do.
the wii is not targeted at children is has been desinged to attract a wide spectrum of gamers, from those hardcore games to children to casual and older gamers.
hence the wide range of games coming out yes a lot of iddy titles but also a lot of titles aimed towards older games, manhunt 2? ect (yes i know its banned but its still coming out for it).
how can it not be a direct competitor, its a games machine, so is the 360 and the ps3.
although i do agree a lot of people will have it as an addition to one of the other consoles, my self the same.
i dont think people put enough faith in the games, nintendo has consisently over and over again come out with the best games ever created, this will continue to do this.
as for games selling more on other conoles, well the games sales are already excellent on the wii, but wait till the big hitters come out.
metroid prime 3
also there is more money to be made on wii, hence why a lot of 3rd party developers are jumping ship to the wii or at least turning there attension more towards it.
[Edited on 04-07-2007 by ssj_kakarot]
Registered: 19th Sep 01
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Rachel bought a Wii lastnight, in total we have spent over £600 in Game in one week
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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Wonder how many of the 360's sold were actually exchanges due to faults
Registered: 26th Sep 01
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quote: Originally posted by Matt H
Wonder how many of the 360's sold were actually exchanges due to faults
K2 GTi
Registered: 21st Oct 04
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[Edited on 04-07-2007 by K2 GTi]
Registered: 20th Jun 04
Location: Hesketh Bank, Lancashire
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I want a Wii