Registered: 5th Nov 06
Location: lincolnshire
User status: Offline
ok didnt intend on selling this but i have just learned that i can aford to insure a skyline gts-t so as you can imagine guess what i would rather ride round in so as a result this is up for sale
the pics do most of the talking but heres some quick info on it
Firstly i NEVER CONVERTED IT so please dont ask me loads of questions on the conversion most of it is obvious.
ok started as a corsa 1.4 sport and was converted by the last owner that was an old guy thats now 65 and classed as dissable thus why he sold it
all the back of the cab is steel with bracing box section and well finished with grey carpet there is the odd mark and a few cracks where filler has been skimmed in on the boot before i lowered it it drove absolutly silent no rattles squeeks or creaks but its now that low and stiff the bushes squeek spray them in wd40 it stops for a week
thats all the bad points i can think of of the top of my head
ok sinse i have had it it has had
new rear shoes
new rear brake cylinders x2
fuel filter
pioneer head unit
new door speakers
2 new front tyers daytons (made by bridgestone for those interested)
80mm front springs
g-max front shocks
100mm rear springs
bylstien rear shocks
and of corse a png sticker
the work it had before i got it
resprayed original colour
pickup conversion
iveco back window
wooden floor with drainage
tinted rear lights
recent exhaust
as mentioned there is the odd mark and scratch there is a few filler cracks but all round as a whole a real tidy car
completly standar corsa sport engine minus the piper cross (standard air box available) runs sweet as a nut realy quiet engine has no leaks uses no oil or water and pulls well
has tax test and a garages report stating that the vehical is of a safe and roadworthy manor not sure when mot and tax is due but i know its not untill next year will have to look
this car is a complete 1 off and draws an amazing amount of attention theres not 1 day i have driven this without 80% of the people i see staring at it and i havent driven it yet without some1 stopping to chat to me about it
like i said dont realy want to sell but the chance of a skyline is just far to tempting so something has to go and im afraid its this rules state a price because of how unique it is i cant realy put a price on its head so we will say 100000000 for now but will take offers alot less please only serious people need show any interest as im not interested in timewaisters
may consider a part ex or swop but realy im after cash for the skyline but may be tempted 2wards something else
call steve porter 07951905141 or pm me
all pics availaible on
Cheers guys
Registered: 31st Aug 06
Location: Wakefield
User status: Offline
looks mint, good luck with sale..
Registered: 11th May 02
Location: Cheshire
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Registered: 5th Nov 06
Location: lincolnshire
User status: Offline
right the price has been decided £2300 ono or offers please let me no or ring steve
cheers guys
Registered: 9th Aug 06
Location: Doddington, Lincolnshire
User status: Offline
you work at Kingsway just outside Spalding dont ya? I recognise the Pinchbeck water tower in the background My girlfriend will be bringing the car in for a service soon lol
I seen this in the flesh at weekend as well, from what i could see has been done extremely well! Dont normally say this but very individual