Registered: 5th Feb 05
Location: Sittingbourne, Kent
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A computer is far more diverse than the 360 for gaming on, and as far as online gaming, PC still rules over.
There are so many more options available on a pc.
real time strategies for example,being able to use hot keys on games like this is far more substantial than trying to play them with a controller.
And my computer is built by myself, for gaming, for video editing, for graphics work and for designing.
It serves as an all round use, something which cant be done on a xbox 360. Are there some games I prefere on consoles, of course... games like the GTA series for example, games where you can crash out and smash people in the face with cash registers and chuckle to your mates, like dead rising..
Racing games, too diverse.. to play these properly you need a wheel and pedals regardless what gaming platform you are using.
First person shooters, lets face it.. PC's dominate here, mouse aiming and keyboard movement is dominant and superior to using a controller with a axis level movement, mouse aiming gives you a much larger area of opportunity to aim, to allow good reaction shots and superior movement.
Whilst its undeniable that consoles now access the internet to play games over them, pc's have been doing this for years in all the ways you can think of, everything a 360 does, a pc can do. Regardless of what you play on a pc, it will have settings you can adjust to suit the games performance to your hardware.
With a console, sure you might get the very best the hardware can cope with, but alot of the time this is sacrificing alot of what a computer can put up with, anti aliasing, anisotropic filtering, more background animation, more objects on the screen.
My pc also acts as a TV, I have a screen which I use for my PC as a PC, a TV, and for the 360.
Regardless of how much you paid for your 360, you all seem to have 32" or > size HDTV's which must cost over £500, so add that onto how much your console has cost you, and dont forget about your 260% markup hard drive which you have to buy for the 360, rather than being able to use a standard PC hdd.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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i dont think anyones arguing that the 360 can do stuff a PC cant, what most people feel is that they would rather play games on the 360.
and to try and compare them by saying a PC does much more is silly because a 360 costs at least a third of even the cheap PC's
i dont buy a 360 expecting to be able to create spreadsheets in excel
[Edited on 30-09-2007 by Steve]
Registered: 1st Jun 02
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I still think consoles are more of a social thing where as I associate a PC with being stuck in a room on your own.
I agree with Steve
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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i would say though, where games require a cursor, such as strategy games, or games like the old Theme Park, a PC is less frustrating to use.
The FPS imo is getting less one sided now, im getting close to the same standard I was using a mouse and keyboard using my 360 controller, its just a different method, and if practiced enough could become as proficient in
[Edited on 30-09-2007 by Steve]
Registered: 9th Aug 04
Location: Cottingham, East Riding
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If only a keyboard and mouse could be used on a 360....this contest would be over IMO
[Edited on 30-09-2007 by Aj.]
Registered: 5th Feb 05
Location: Sittingbourne, Kent
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I would love to play a 360'er with a controller at a game whilst I use my keyboard and mouse..
You talk of only just coming up to YOUR standard with a keyboard and mouse, you then have to think of the different standards of people around the world who already use keyboard and mouse setups in gaming, and have to better against those
[Edited on 30-09-2007 by drax]
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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it can, i have a mouse/keyboard converter, but it doesnt work all that well, only tried it on one game though
i will say that this generation of 360 controllers has totally changed my view on fps with a controller.
i had MOH on the ps2 and it was so unplayable with the thumbsticks i took it back, the 360 controller not only makes it playable but its possible to actually be quite good
[Edited on 30-09-2007 by Steve]
Registered: 5th Feb 05
Location: Sittingbourne, Kent
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Trouble is, a pc + keyboard and mouse means you can assign XXX number of keys / key combos to do different thing when making the game.
With a 360, your some what limited as to firstly how many keys you can assign actions to, and then how many combinations
Registered: 11th Aug 02
Location: York
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quote: Originally posted by Steve
it wont play the games 6 times better, or have 6 times better graphics etc.
in fact there is no chip on the market thats 6 times faster then the ibm custom made 3 core chip in the 360, nor is there a graphics card 6 times faster then the one in the 360.
in fact id be surprised if the graphics on his pc were any better, not because hos hardware isnt as good, but because games for consoles like 360 and ps3 are made specifically for the hardware, with no other over heads to manage.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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punch to the chops
Registered: 15th May 07
Location: Melksham, Wiltshire
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quote: Originally posted by cunningham
E6600 DC processor
Radeon X1850XT graphics card
2 gig ram
300 gig harddrive
i just think w/e comes out on console it plays so much better with keyboard and mouse on the pc
Yea FPS (first person shooter) is much better with Mouse/Keyboard but racing games with a keyboard are utter shite! 
and obvisouly PC has much more of a broader approach in general in comparison to a 360 or any games machine of that matter, - hence why they are "mainly" built for playing games and nothing else!
I just think when you buy a new game (Bioshock for example) that when you put it in to play it, you havn't got to wait for the install - and you don't have a shock when you finally get it going and your graphics card can barely handle it! and even if you do run it high then it's all laggy and naf! 
[Edited on 01-10-2007 by S214_UPP]
Registered: 1st Nov 04
Location: Stockport
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if the toss up was...
xbox 360(£300) - for gaming
small low spec pc (£250) - for general use, internet, emails etc
HDTV (£500) - to run both + tv
very high spec computer (£1200+)
i think i know what i would go for...
[Edited on 01-10-2007 by Mather.16v]
Registered: 15th May 07
Location: Melksham, Wiltshire
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quote: Originally posted by Mather.16v
if the toss up was...
xbox 360(£300) - for gaming
small low spec pc (£250) - for general use, internet, emails etc
HDTV (£500) - to run both + tv
very high spec computer (£1200+)
i think i know what i would go for...
[Edited on 01-10-2007 by Mather.16v]
Registered: 15th May 07
Location: Melksham, Wiltshire
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check this out for example:
Don't get me wrong they are shit hot PC's but you could buy yourself soo much more with that kinda money!
Registered: 20th Jun 04
Location: Hesketh Bank, Lancashire
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Geeks rule
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
Location: Greater London
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PC for FPS & Strategy
Console for everything else
Im building a new pc just for COD4, no more FPS on the console thanks, joypad is just not upto the job.
I dont se how online gaming is any better on the console? Infact, imo its worse. On the pc you can install new patches, custom maps, lower graphics for a higher framerate, assing keyboard actions, just a few things you cant on a console.
Registered: 13th Dec 00
Location: Lancashire
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and for the people that dont understand all that crap there is a console, which you plug in, switch on and play and it works. If it doesnt work you take it back cos its faulty not because your settings are wrong.
Registered: 29th Apr 03
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quote: Originally posted by Mather.16v
if the toss up was...
xbox 360(£300) - for gaming
small low spec pc (£250) - for general use, internet, emails etc
HDTV (£500) - to run both + tv
very high spec computer (£1200+)
i think i know what i would go for...
[Edited on 01-10-2007 by Mather.16v]
yeah ... the console ect.
i would rather have a hdtv 32inch, a console and a pc than just a high spec pc.
not to mention all the stuff the tv can be used for aswell.
[Edited on 01-10-2007 by ssj_kakarot]
Registered: 22nd Jun 06
Location: Burscough, Lancashire
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just buy all the high end stuff then lads 
i play on the PC, the PS3 and the 360 and i play on each for different things as they perform better at certain things (the ps3 and the 360 obviously aren't THAT different)