Iain M
Registered: 18th Aug 05
Location: Wigan - Drives 272bhp corsa ZLET
User status: Offline
Yes i am thankfull its not all 16. Pissing me off though. Will be glad to get away forget the car for a week.
Mike GSi
Registered: 3rd Jan 07
Location: Ipswich, Suffolk Drives:Astra VXR
User status: Offline
Sorry to hear about the valves iain, tbh its more or less impossible for a piece of tape to bend valves. the only thing i can think of is, when the bottom AUX belt pully slipped, maybe the crankshaft pully slipped too causing the valves to collide with the pistons. Imo the car will NOT give you anymore problems as its had new waterpump headgasket clutch tensioner and rollers, timing belt. All the best buddy
Registered: 24th Jan 05
User status: Offline
Its funny how the company skimming the head found the valves. Most engineering companies like the head completely bare so they can wash and do the necessary machine work then send it straight out again.
lee mitchell
Registered: 26th Jan 01
Location: kent...drive's: eveyones conversion cars hard lol
User status: Offline
the garage should of seen the bent valves anyway before sending it off.