Registered: 21st Jan 07
Location: Lancashire (PRESTON)
User status: Offline
Hi, my m8 has a 2.5 v6 vectra and has just had a new engine belt replaced, but now its been replaced when he revs the engine it makes like a whirling sound which wasnt there b4? does any1 have any idea what this could be. i guess somethin like the cover that protects the belt has been put on to tight pushin against it something like that?????
please help if ya can, cheers!
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Retford, Nottinghamshire
User status: Offline
possibly something rubbing or belt has been over tightened
Registered: 16th Jul 07
User status: Offline
mine did this (corsa... not a 2.5 v6) it went after a few miles. might have just been wearing in... or something
Superlite Ltd.
Registered: 9th Jan 07
User status: Offline
Incorrectly tensioned. Check the tension of the cam belt. Bet he spent abit, cambelt job is an expensive one on the x25xe
Registered: 21st Jan 07
Location: Lancashire (PRESTON)
User status: Offline
cheers for the info, yeah he told me it cost him nearly £200+
Superlite Ltd.
Registered: 9th Jan 07
User status: Offline
The parts are over £100 alone