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Author whats it worth??(yes yet another!)

Registered: 22nd Jan 06
Location: Birmingham
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20th Jan 08 at 15:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

aint bothered about safety tbh all...if i have a crash in a corsa im just as likely to die as any small car including the gti im planning on getting lmao they all tin cans and all haha! oil gets changed every 5k regardless of how car is driven, idled or anything...a subraru or any turbo car shud be idled for a while both before and after a drive...this is turbo related though aint it my mate leaves his r 5 for ages and hasnt had a single problem with it since his had it...most probably due to this idling and looking after the car. Just need to find a good gti...anyone know if saxo's ever came with anything other than shite interiors...any leather invovled kinky like that...

JAYCORSAGSI - i'll see what happens mate with new car and sister may be having it off me aslong as she coffs up summat near the price so will be upto her if she wants standard lights or these ones i guess, where u/your mate live? im in birmingham cheers

Registered: 27th Aug 07
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20th Jan 08 at 15:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

sorry mate its angel eyes he wants but hes in dudley so not quite far from you also he goes up wheels alot so not a problem but if you let me know what she says i can let him know
Ben G

Registered: 12th Jan 07
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20th Jan 08 at 16:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by RioVerde
people whittle about warming engines up etc all the time lifes too short to piss about just get in n drive it,a lad i knew had an impreza he used to idle for 15-20 mins at work before he drove it 5 miles home,a bit sad and obsessive if you ask me,just get it changed every 5k and use it!!

true. i leave my car at idle for about 10 seconds then drive up to no more than 3.5k rpm until the temp has gone to 90C.

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