Registered: 22nd Sep 06
Location: Rushall, West Midlands
User status: Offline
HI People
i have a 1.4 16v
need help urgently , i cleaned my icv today .. put everything back together now i got a wierd like popping sound coming from the engine also it keep drops revs really bad then back up, tried to take it around the block and it cut out several times any ideas ? is it worth taking it out and recleaning it ? could it be losing pressure from the ICV as i couldn't tighten it all that well
please help
Registered: 22nd Sep 06
Location: Rushall, West Midlands
User status: Offline
the sound is simular to a cammed corsa lol
Registered: 20th May 06
Location: Leicester
User status: Offline
take the battery off overnight then start it up tomorrow and leave it at idle for about 5 mins then take for a drive and see what happens.
Registered: 22nd Sep 06
Location: Rushall, West Midlands
User status: Offline
well i tried my car this morning and it seemed to be idling fine, i could rev up and it would be sound idling, so i tuk it around the block drove it slowly first, then booted it slightly when it gets to around 4k revs it jerks me back and restarts the car ? the engine lights comes on also ?
any ideas
Registered: 20th May 06
Location: Leicester
User status: Offline
if the eml comes on id get a paperclip test done and find out the reason why its on,it will be a sensor mate.Post results back up and we can advise you better.id expect it to be either icv,tps or egr by what you say.
Registered: 20th May 06
Location: Leicester
User status: Offline
and what did you clean the icv with?
Registered: 22nd Sep 06
Location: Rushall, West Midlands
User status: Offline
well i ahve blanked the EGR valve off, i have rteplaced the icv now ... and its ok apart from a few blips , such as a few times its konked out onme at junctions but it resets the battery ?? the time resets and my setting for my stereo reset ????
but apart form that its ok
Registered: 26th Nov 07
Location: Chesterfield
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Have you tightened the battery terminals properly and put the earth back on behind the coolant bottle? theres no way you should lose power to the whole car while its running
Registered: 22nd Sep 06
Location: Rushall, West Midlands
User status: Offline
well the car did cut out several times hmm its like when i put my foot down (sometimes) it jerks me back and resets my stereo and time ... but only for a split second ,, then it can be alright for a while ... and im still get the shit idle whilst approching junctions not sure what else to try as ive changed the ICV for a brand new one and i have blanked the EGR valve off and taken the SAP out .. hmm
Registered: 22nd Sep 06
Location: Rushall, West Midlands
User status: Offline

Whats that tube used for ? as i found a problem i think its connected i think to the air intake ??? but it looks like its meant to be fixed to the pipe ?? mine just rests inside ? there is sign of breakages ?
Registered: 22nd Sep 06
Location: Rushall, West Midlands
User status: Offline
right then done a paperclip text ... here we go list of faults 
47 - Linear exhaust gas re-circulation (EGR) position - n/a
85 - Immobiliser - Wrong signal
29 - Fuel pump relay - Low voltage
44 - Oxygen sensor - Air/Fuel mixture too lean (weak)
93 - Quad drive module (in ECU) - n/a
35 - Idle stepper motor - Poor or no idle speed control
19 - Crank Angle Sensor (CAS) - Incorrect RPM signal