Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » 1998 Saxo VTR - Decent mods. 1100ono

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Author 1998 Saxo VTR - Decent mods. 1100ono

Registered: 13th Mar 08
Location: Sutton, Cambridgeshire
User status: Offline
22nd Mar 08 at 22:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Well i would mind keeping this but i cant aford to keep it as i will have to buy it off my dad.

its in my dads name as he brought it about 1 year ago. and just used it to go get himself some food.

this year i passed my test but didnt have no more so he has put me on his insureance and ive put some mods onto it.

With any car there is some bad point and im gunna be 100%! honest with mine. i would perfer if you come viewed the car befor thinking off buying.

Bad points:
Small dent under drivers side mirror i will get this out asoon as ive got a bit off time.
Crack in rear lights (Snake eye ones)(hardly notice able)
Alloys could do with a refurb but do look fine
Rear tyres getting pretty close to limit prob about 1/2mm from wear limiter
Taps a little on colt starts fine when warm. (will have a full service if wanted +$)
Stone chips on front bumper and bonnet (LIKE ANY CAR)

Need To Know Stuff:
im gunna say 127,000 miles as by the time some one has brought this it will be about there.
Tested till june 8th
Taxed till 30th june
Serviced a week ago (By Myself)
Cambelt Changed under 3 months ago.

Engine Mods:
Janspeed Manifold
Ashley Comp Exhaust (Sports Cat)
Pipercross Induction
Polished And Ported Throttle Body.

De-badged (Rear) (small holes where badges were)
Colour Coded front bumper
Colour Coded M3 style mirrors
Snake eyes rear lights (standard lights come with.)
TSW Reflex Alloys (Some have sctraches.)
1 Off Front Grill. (colour coded)
Lowerd 35mm on PS springs (back kinda needs lowering)
Custom citreon Sport side badges
De-wiperd Rear window.
Custom made front grill, with VTR badge. Made by (DKF performance spec's)

JBL Front components (Not amped up) (Components need fixing down)
Pioneer rear speakers (and Standard)
JVC headunit (199 pounds in halfords)
Lockwood door seals.

There is probaly loads i have forgot but i will edit this when i remember.
Also was

ill up load all the picks i have off it so far. i am also waiting for some photo's off a photoshoot it had

I think what myself and my dad are looking for it very reasable.

Price: !!Offers!!
Swop for a 2.0l corsa which needs some work to finsh off, *bodywork*

I Am open to offers but please dont be silly.
Any questions just ask!

Add my msn or email me. through the web site or on my msn.

Thxs Logan!

Not in a hurry to sell, just needs to be sold by july 14th, as im moving abroad for a couple off weeks.

[Edited on 22-03-2008 by vtrlogan]

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » 1998 Saxo VTR - Decent mods. 1100ono 25 database queries in 0.0107930 seconds