Registered: 16th Nov 05
Location: With AK
User status: Offline
Hopefully get the new car this morning
Get towbar fitted this afternoon
Get trailer tomorrow
Time Attack on Sunday
Registered: 21st Oct 06
Location: Bedfordshire Drives: Ford Fiesta
User status: Offline
Friday: Missus' for dinner.
Saturday AM: Last shift at Spar, 6am till 2pm.
Saturday PM: Chill, then chinese and film with missus as the parents are out.
Sunday AM: Biking 
Sunday PM: Chilling. Might wash + t-cut the car if the weathers nice.
Registered: 7th Jun 06
Location: Yate, Bristol
User status: Offline
Today - Last day in work so don't plan on doing much. Pick up new car after work.
Tonight - Probably just up the pub but won't be drinking
Tomorrow - Spending all day with my daughter. Might attempt to fit my sub
Tomorrow Night - Work 9-2.30
Sunday - 1st game of the American football season so off to watch some mates in that then probably some GTA IV before working 7-12
Premium Member
Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
User status: Offline
Deano if you T-cut that car anymore, the paint is gunna come off 
Joe, I see a lack of sleep time.
This evening, popping up to West london to see grandparents, pick up grandmas car. Give that some death.
Tomorrow, Work 9-6, hopefulyl see some CS people after though
Sunday, who knows
Monday, Work
Registered: 21st Oct 06
Location: Bedfordshire Drives: Ford Fiesta
User status: Offline
Pow - only t-cut it once. And that was only the roof. That needs doing again, then just the sides. Front is new and the back seems it too
Registered: 7th Jun 06
Location: Yate, Bristol
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by pow
Joe, I see a lack of sleep time.
Im sure I'll fit some in at some point. Will probably have a nap tomorrow when Mia does
Registered: 19th Feb 08
Location: east mids
User status: Offline
today - pulled a sickie as ive got a job interview, probably mince in the garage later on
sat/sun - rallying at longcross
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
User status: Offline
Ash loving the new wheels are they rx8 wheels it has? Is it standard? Is it staying in the UK? Do I ask to many questions?
Tonight - nothing
Tomorrow - Travel up to leeds in morning, 26 of family/friends out for my sisters 30th for a meal and stuff
Sunday - Recover and come home
Registered: 5th Nov 03
Location: Oxfordshire Drives: Vauxhall Tigra 1.8
User status: Offline
Tonight: Aerobics/dinner with BF
Sat: Lunch at parents/study
Sat eve: Out in town as mate of BF is leaving for 6 months to go travelling
Sunday: Recover/study
Registered: 26th Jul 06
User status: Offline
Tonight, stay in as I feel cap
Saturday, watch fa cup final and not much else.
Sunday, wedding of gf's aunty. not looking forward to it at all. think i may drive so i can leave early
Registered: 11th Aug 02
Location: York
User status: Offline
Tonight - People at work leaving but supposed to be off to watch a band so fucking the work lot off 
Saturday - Gym, watch FA Cup final, play PS3, watch a film
Sunday - More PS3, more films
Premium Member
Registered: 25th Dec 04
User status: Offline
Working tonight
Going out to my mates on Saturday to stay over then get up early bells and head to knockhill for EDC...and take photos of Phi from afar 
Off monday and Tuesday
Registered: 8th Jan 07
Location: South
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Lawrah
Working tonight
Going out to my mates on Saturday to stay over then get up early bells and head to knockhill for EDC...and take photos of Phi from afar 
Off monday and Tuesday
ile text yah sunday lawrah!
Registered: 1st Apr 02
Location: Aberdeen
User status: Offline
Friday - Few beers, GTA IV and some CAD 
Saturday - Going out for dinner for my 24th then town to meet up with a few mates that are graduating this year with me + burd and her mates
Sunday - Sleep in, fry up, maybe wash car and sort the bike out for MOT
Registered: 14th Mar 04
Location: Armchair
User status: Offline
tonight - chinky at sis's
tomorrow - wii fit
sunday - masturbation
Registered: 20th Jun 04
Location: Hesketh Bank, Lancashire
User status: Offline
Night in tonight.
tomorrow - Off to Manchester in the day, have a bbq at a mates if the weather is nice. Out on the town at night, if the Scummy Rangers fans left Manchester behind.
Sunday - fuck all
Registered: 4th Apr 02
User status: Offline
Quiet one all weekend!! 
Maybe a wee bbq tomorrow if its still nice!!
Nick A
Registered: 28th Nov 04
Location: Hertfordshire
User status: Offline
Tonight - Visiting the Jim and health club
Tomorrow - Heading to King's Lyn to see family spot of gardening i would of thought and chill
Sunday - return late eve
Monday - Work
Tues - Work