Registered: 26th Nov 04
Location: Ipswich, Suffolk Status: Happy
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OK, been thinking about it for a while and the PC is getting worse - so time for a upgrade I think.
Recently I've been having to leave it on 24/7 as often it won't get asfar as BIOS during bootup, it might catch after about a dozen attempts but it was driving me up the wall - I assume as it's not even passing BIOS this would be a MoBo fault?
Currently I have:
Mobo: Asus A8n-SLi, Skt939
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 x2 3800+ (3700 Mhz)
RAM: Unbranded 4x512MB DDR
GFX: nVidia 6600GT SLi (x2, running in SLi mode)
HDD: C - 120GB IDE; D - 250GB IDE
Now, I'm thinking of chaging all of that for sevreal reasons:
Mobo: Skt 939 is old hat now and not cost effective to keep compared to performance against AM2 etc sockets
CPU: see above
RAM: DDR is still avaliable but is expensive compared to the more modern and better performing DDR2, so that's another reason for changing the Mobo...
GFX: My nVidia6600GT SLi's were good in their day and are still ok now, but you don't see so many duel SLi mobo's (at a decent price) so probably worth sacking them off and getting a more conventional single GFX card.
HDD: Both of mine are IDE and most Mobo's these days only have a single IDE channel with the rest going to SATA, so a new HDD should be on the cards - but this creates a problem, I have my C drive with everything on it that I need (Windows (obv)) and all the programs I use - the D drive is where I keep music etc - would it be a good idea to keep the C drive in my new system to save me all the arse ache of re-installing every program I want? Or would I be better getting a decent sized (750GB ish) SATA drive, use that as C, reinstall everything, and use my D drive on the IDE channel?
If so how do I get things like the emails I want to keep from my Outlook Express on my current C drive onto my new SATA C drive?
So, who is winning the CPU race atm? I've always been a AMD man but if the better bang for buck is with Intel then it makes sense to go that way.
Same question for the GFX cards - always been a nVidia man and I'm aware of the partnerships that AMD & ATi and Intel & nVidia have created so it would also make sense to pair up accordingly if they would perfom better - which isn't my ideal situation as I like AMD and nVidia 
So what good deals are out there? I don't want to spend silly money (no more than three-four hundred really), I'm capable of building it all myself and have a decent case/PSU etc
Go go geeks - do your best!

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Registered: 6th Feb 08
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To save yourself a bit of cash, look on scan for daily offers, unfortunately I can't give you any proper advice as I don't know all that much about building them
Registered: 26th Nov 04
Location: Ipswich, Suffolk Status: Happy
User status: Offline
Cheers Danny, yeah I look on Scan all the time but then get confused as to if I want AMD or Intel, nVidia or ATi etc
Registered: 26th Nov 04
Location: Ipswich, Suffolk Status: Happy
User status: Offline
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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Go for an Intel chip, still much better than AMD, apart from swapping for an socket 775 motherboard the rest will do.