Registered: 25th Oct 07
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Is there anyone on here who will admit to using it or having used it in the past?
Im after real life experiances of gains/side effects after having read just about every article explaining the facts. 
*Now in the right place*
Tom A
Registered: 3rd Aug 07
Location: Windsor, Berkshire.
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Not personal experience, but people i've chatted to at the gym about it say its mainly good strength gains but also massive water retention. Also been told never to do a Dbol only course, as your liver will not thank you for it!
Registered: 11th Feb 04
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He said he was after personal experience you idiot 
Sorry mate my temper has been shocking on these steriods 
Registered: 25th Oct 07
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I seen a few lads down the local gym with massive water retention but they are not the sort i talk to. They seem to be left with some good size when they come off them though, minus the water retention.
Registered: 1st May 08
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you do loose abit of weight when you come off them (water retention) but you can keep alot of th gains, but its all down to if you keep the training strong and diet very good..
also you should drink around 6-8pints of water a day with dbol so your body doesnt tell itself to store excess water, being water retention..
also milk thistle is very good to break up the steriod before it enters your liver so it doesnt do much damage at all to it, but it does if you abuse it, same with any sterioids..
Registered: 21st Jan 03
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id like to try d bol
Registered: 9th Nov 06
Location: Hullywood
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Ive used alsorts of steriods mate, Dbol is the most common. And prob the most immitated roid there is, be very very careful what you buy.
Also take it with Nolvadex mate, Combats any side effects.
Registered: 21st Jan 03
Location: Ballymena N.I.
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yeah have researched it alot over the last year, just havent taken the plunge so to speak yet
Registered: 2nd Jan 09
Location: Lincoln
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Dbol is really just a kick starter, id use it for 4 weeks at the beginning of a cycle before the long ester test and other androgens kick in.
Dbol only cycles are worthless, and since androgenic compounds such as Dbolare highly supressive of natural testosterone production its highly advised to run synthetic test with the proper PCT afterwards too.
Its pointless using gear unless your training and diet is structured properly first - theres no magic 'steroid tablet' you can take to get massive - Its a combination of a dedicated diet and training programme.
[Edited on 09-02-2009 by DizzyRebel]
Registered: 25th Oct 07
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I understand that Dbol only cycles are frowned upon, however ive read lots of artices that say providing its done right with proper PTC alot of the gains can be kept.
I also understand that traning and diet has to be perfect beforehand but lets face it, if this was the case nobody would need steriods. Most people know what to eat but literally dont have the money to buy steak/fish/chicken everyday or have the time to prepare/eat it.
I can get hold of the dbol, clomid, Noval and Milk thistle. Is there anything else i need?
Im thinking of a short 'taster' cycle to see how my body reacts to the effects/ sides etc, so possibly 4/5weeks. How many mgs of each is best per day?
Registered: 2nd Jan 09
Location: Lincoln
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Right you clearly dont know what your doing here so listen up!
Dbol is an androgenic compound, meaning it supresses natural testosterone production and due to this it means you will get gyno symptons (bitch tits) and you will fail to get an erection if you do an beneficial length cycle.
To combat this, ANY androgenic compound should be stacked with synthetic testosterone. Test can only be injected and it is also the most effective steroid you can buy. It comes in 3 guises: Cypionate, Enanthate and Propionate
Enanthate and cypionate are long ester based, they usually take 3-4 weeks before they become active and you will only need around 2 shots a week to keep test levels high. Propionate however is a short ester and is active within 48 hours, however this means you need a shot of it at least every other day.
Dbol is also a 17aa active compound meaning it survives the first pass through your liver and as such is highly toxic to your body. Prolonged use of oral 17aa active compounds is not recommended, however it is still yet to be proven if they actually cause any long term damage to your liver.
Dbol is crap on its own, it should be stacked with other steroids.
A good starter course of gear is:
Week 1-4 Dbol 50mg per day
Week 1-10 2x1ml shots of test 200 per week
Week 6-10 Winstrol 50mg per day
Week 9-10 50mg clomid per day
week 10-12 25mg clomid per day
week 12-14 25mg clomid every 3 days.
Course should cost you around the £200 mark but you will put on between 1 and 2 stone of lean mass depending on how hard you train and how much you eat.
As for your diet, while your on gear you probably need an extra 1500 - 2000 calories a day to make the most of what your taking, if you cant afford to eat the required calories then your not going to get the best out of your cycle. steroids are a suppliment to an already perfect diet and training regime - they are worthless on their own.
Your wasting money if you just do a 4/5week course of dbol only, all you will get is water retention, impotency and headaches and when its all over you might have gained a pound or 2 to show for it.
The only oral you can take without being worried about pct or water retention is anavar, but real anavar is like rocking horse shit and is more of a cutting compound than a bulking one.
Registered: 25th Oct 07
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TBF that sounds like solid advice and matches a lot of the stuff that ive researched. Im 22 and have only been training for 3 years, 2 years properly. Think ill wait it out untill im 25 and see how i feel then.
Registered: 2nd Jan 09
Location: Lincoln
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im 21, have been training for 3 years and did my first cycle (the one i reccomended) last year and put on almost 2 stone and kept 1.5 stone of it. my diet at the time wasnt perfect but i made sure i kept my calorie intake at around 4000 a day. Im looking at doing another similar course but running trenbolone and equipoise in place of winstrol, upping the test dosage and extending the length to 16 weeks.
I wont tell you to go out and buy some gear, but by all means dont be put off by media hype and horror stories. Just get some advice from a friendly local meat head, he may even help you inject for beer tokens. I have had a lot of help as i used to work with an EX mr universe so know a thing or 2 about it but ultimately its not a difficult concept to grasp.
Registered: 25th Oct 07
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Ok, so im sick of training 5 times a week, changing routines every so often, sticking to a strict diet for months, upping the calories everys so often and seeing minimal gains. Im naturally small anyway, i weigh just just under 10stone at 5ft 5. The reason i want to do a dbol only course is to see how my body reacts to gear before doing the big stuff. Ill be happy if i put on 10lbs and loose 5 in the 4 weeks as 5lbs is more than id put on in 4weeks without it anyway.
Does this sound about right(low dose,short cycle like i say to see how the body reacts):
25mg dianabol ED for 4 weeks
4 Hours after last dbol start Novaldex.
Day 1: 80mg
10 Days: 40mg
10 Days: 20mg
Milk thistle and plenty of water on cycle. I choose Novaldex over clomid as its supposed to be more effective, the last thing i want is gyno 
[Edited on 06-03-2009 by Brabus]
Registered: 16th Mar 07
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quote: Originally posted by Brabus
Ok, so im sick of training 5 times a week, changing routines every so often, sticking a strict diet months, upping the calories everys so often and seeing minimal gains. Im naturally small anyway, i weigh just just under 10stone at 5ft 5. The reason i want to do a dbol only course is to see how my body reacts to gear before doing the big stuff. Ill be happy if i put on 10lbs and loose 5 in the 4 weeks as 5lbs is more than id put on in 4weeks without it anyway.
Does this sound about right(low dose,short cycle like i say to see how the body reacts):
25mg dianabol ED for 4 weeks
4 Hours after last dbol start Novaldex.
Day 1: 80mg
10 Days: 40mg
10 Days: 20mg
Milk thistle and plenty of water on cycle. I choose Novaldex over clomid as its supposed to be more effective, the last thing i want is gyno 
[Edited on 06-03-2009 by Brabus]
Dianabol is just the same, if not worse, as the 'big stuff' (I suppose you mean injectibles here?). It's liver toxic and injectible gear isn't. Dbol is also extremely androgenic and will cause the same sort of sides on the same scale as injectible anabolics. Don't fall into the trap of thinking dianabol is a mild drug. Gyno, acne, shedding of hair and prostate problems are all a possibility. Just so you're aware of the risks but I bet you've read up on it anyway.
As for your cycle, why 20mg after 10 days? Stick at the same dose throughout the cycle and then go into PCT.
[Edited on 06-03-2009 by radicalry00]
Registered: 25th Oct 07
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quote: Originally posted by radicalry00
quote: Originally posted by Brabus
Ok, so im sick of training 5 times a week, changing routines every so often, sticking a strict diet months, upping the calories everys so often and seeing minimal gains. Im naturally small anyway, i weigh just just under 10stone at 5ft 5. The reason i want to do a dbol only course is to see how my body reacts to gear before doing the big stuff. Ill be happy if i put on 10lbs and loose 5 in the 4 weeks as 5lbs is more than id put on in 4weeks without it anyway.
Does this sound about right(low dose,short cycle like i say to see how the body reacts):
25mg dianabol ED for 4 weeks
4 Hours after last dbol start Novaldex.
Day 1: 80mg
10 Days: 40mg
10 Days: 20mg
Milk thistle and plenty of water on cycle. I choose Novaldex over clomid as its supposed to be more effective, the last thing i want is gyno 
[Edited on 06-03-2009 by Brabus]
Dianabol is just the same, if not worse, as the 'big stuff' (I suppose you mean injectibles here?). It's liver toxic and injectible gear isn't. Dbol is also extremely androgenic and will cause the same sort of sides on the same scale as injectible anabolics. Don't fall into the trap of thinking dianabol is a mild drug. Gyno, acne, shedding of hair and prostate problems are all a possibility. Just so you're aware of the risks but I bet you've read up on it anyway.
As for your cycle, why 20mg after 10 days? Stick at the same dose throughout the cycle and then go into PCT.
[Edited on 06-03-2009 by radicalry00]
Yes i was referring to injectables when i say 'big stuff' however i do understand the sides can be just as bad and yes ive researched a lot, hence the low dose with it being my first course. Im thinking 5 weeks but if gains are low and sides are bad ill end the course after 4 or possibly earlier.
Im not sure i laid out the course right:
Week 1-5 - 25mg Dbol (Split 10mg in the morning, 10mg mid day, 5mg before bed)
Day 1 after 5th week of Dbol(so no more dbol taken at this point): 80mg Novaldex
Day 2- 12(10 days) 40mg Novaldex
Day 12-22(10 Days) 20mg Novaldex
This would mean 3 weeks of PCT, were you thinking of starting the PCT whilst still taking the dbol, i.e. starting week 4?
[Edited on 06-03-2009 by Brabus]
Registered: 2nd Jan 09
Location: Lincoln
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Like i said, run test with Dbol. On its own Dbol is pretty much useless. Something like sustanon 250 would be a much better investment of your cash.
Dbol should be part of a stack, any supressive androgenic compounds really should be run with test. if you want to keep side effects low run something like arimidex throughout the cycle to keep them to a minimum.
Registered: 28th Aug 04
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sori but whats
Registered: 9th Nov 06
Location: Hullywood
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Combats Side effects for Dbol Adge.