Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
Location: Bexhill
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Hi All,
Im having a new windscreen fitted next week on the corsa.
The current windscreen doesnt have a sunstrip. I thought they came standard as I would like one on my new on?!
What is envolved when they fit it? Do the windscreen wipers have to come off? Scuttle pannel e.t.c? Wouldnt mind no'ing so I can check its all been put back together properly after!
Thanks in advance
Registered: 6th Dec 06
Location: Highland
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GSI's came with a tinted top, when my windscreen broke I asked the guy for the top tinted screen, cost me an extra £20 though. They remove the scuttle, which means removing the wipers.
Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
Location: Bexhill
User status: Offline
Sounds good to me. I have windscreen cover on my insurance so they should pay for it.
Registered: 23rd Nov 07
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and then youll end up paying for it when your premium goes up nothing is free
Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
Location: Bexhill
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Spoke to them today, paid a bit extra when I took out the policy to get the windscreen cover.
Its a £50 excess, Monthly payments dont go up and it doesnt affect my NCB.
Registered: 6th Dec 06
Location: Highland
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Mine was through the insurance, £60 excess. Was told by the guy on the phone that the tinted screen costs more, and the insurance wont pay it, so he put it through as a normal screen for the insurance, and I gave him the extra £20.
Registered: 6th Feb 08
User status: Offline
u get tinted ones from auto glass for 80 - 100 notes and ma sport has a strip as standerd
Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
Location: Bexhill
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by ChrisBoom
Mine was through the insurance, £60 excess. Was told by the guy on the phone that the tinted screen costs more, and the insurance wont pay it, so he put it through as a normal screen for the insurance, and I gave him the extra £20.
What insurer are you with? Iwill argue that it comes as standard and that I shouldnt have to pay anymore than my £50 excess to replace a standard part. Worth a shot...
Premium Member
Registered: 29th Apr 08
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I got mine replaced last summer, wanted a tinted top but forgot to ask for it 
Insurance excess was £75 as well.
Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men
Originally Whatapp'd by Neo
Dave's maybe capable of a drive-by cuddle
Look at my pictures
Registered: 27th Feb 06
Location: St. Helens
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I got my punto one changed on the insurance last year, excess was £20
fucking big peice of glass as well
My 1.2 8v LS had a tinted bit at the top, Im sure if you ask they will sort you one out
Chris x
Registered: 11th Sep 08
Location: Bexhill
User status: Offline
They asked if there was one already on the car...said there was so I think iv got away with it lol! Dont no what they will say when they see it hasnt got one, not much they can do really! Geting it fitted tomorrow after work or Saturday.
Appaently its going to have a blue tint - Good!
and a green lower tint on the bottom of the screen - WTF is that? lol