Registered: 4th Aug 05
Location: Kings Langley Drives: Astra H
User status: Offline
hey guys just wondering if anyones had the same problem in there corsa's my flash has recentley stopped working alothough if the main headlights are on i can still push the stalk forward to get main beam just when i pull it back nothin happens! does anyone no a way i can sort this or would i need a new stalk or something?!
Also my cooling fan no longer comes on and overheats badly!! would this jus be i need a new fan or motor or something? have checked fuses but all are ok..
[Edited on 14-04-2009 by mattcape]
Registered: 19th Oct 06
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
User status: Offline
Sounds like the stalk has failed.
Scrap yard, put it in your pocket.
Registered: 4th Aug 05
Location: Kings Langley Drives: Astra H
User status: Offline
do you know if the flash works on a realy or a fuse?
Registered: 29th Jul 06
Location: Stevenage
User status: Offline
Find out why you have no fan asap could be fan switch or connector in rad , give the fan motor a direct 12v feed if it works ok then replace switch do this first as you may blow your head gasket and damage engine, flash probably bad microswitch in stork try another one breakers will do.
Registered: 4th Aug 05
Location: Kings Langley Drives: Astra H
User status: Offline
ok cheers mate i no its not good for the engine getting that hot but when the cars moving its fine just when sitting in traffic etc it gets really hot!! i will check now see how i get on..
Registered: 4th Aug 05
Location: Kings Langley Drives: Astra H
User status: Offline
tried a live feed to the connection on the back of the fan and nothin happened so i am guessing the fans knackerd! looks like ill be needing a new one then!
Registered: 1st May 07
Location: Wolverhampton Drives: 200SX S14a
User status: Offline
i've got these exact problems, just thought i'd add that
Registered: 29th Jul 06
Location: Stevenage
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I would buy a new fan motor pretty dam quick if it was my engine.
Registered: 4th Aug 05
Location: Kings Langley Drives: Astra H
User status: Offline
what the flash AND the fan lol how random! got a mate breaking a x16xe so 'hopefully' getting the fan and motor off him tomorrow
Registered: 29th Jul 06
Location: Stevenage
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
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Just giving it a live isn't gunna make it
spin, unplug the fan sensor and bridge the two pins with a paperclip. Whack the ignition on and see if it spins.
Registered: 4th Aug 05
Location: Kings Langley Drives: Astra H
User status: Offline
what so it could still work lol? havent got time to do this now as have got a job interview at 1 and dont want to get my hands dirtys but will try this when i get back cheers pow
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
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Yeah it could still work.
Registered: 4th Aug 05
Location: Kings Langley Drives: Astra H
User status: Offline
fan come on yesterday but didnt come on untill the temp was near enough in the red is that normal because im sure it used to come on a lot sooner than that! so at least now i no the fan does work lol