Registered: 13th Oct 04
Location: Mid Wales
User status: Offline
Appian Plc wrote
at 7:16pm on May 15th, 2009
What has Tony "GeorgieBoy" Price got in Common with Gordon Brown ?
Justin Hildreth (London) wrote
at 10:49pm on November 10th, 2008
Chaps- it's good to see some of you retaining your sanity after what has been a fairly uninspiring period, I gather.
Onward and up.... blah blah.. the future holds boundless opportu....blah..
All the best and hope to meet up sometime, in or out of ANPR.
Regds, Jus
Rob Hamilton wrote
at 10 2am on November 10th, 2008
Hi Guys. I'm finally taking time out to figure out this facebook thing, and now have plenty of it!! Nice to hear from Claire again. Last I heard you were off to wander the Earth fighting crime.
Claire Davis wrote
at 5:41pm on November 8th, 2008
Cant believe you have set this up Rob! You make me laugh!!!
Appian was good for nights out paid for by T.K!!! And I have made good friends there (except that Carlos fella haha!!!!!) so I am glad I worked there!