Registered: 18th Jan 07
Location: Wolverhampton Drives: S15
User status: Offline
Need new rear drums and shoes etc on my 98 sport
A rear beam from an original gsi has come up with fresh drums and poly bushed rear beam.
Are the 2 beams different or is it a straight swap??
Need to be 100% sure.
Registered: 20th Aug 09
Location: Northants
User status: Offline
Same on all corsa's mate, needed new rear axle the other week and my mechanic picked one up from scrappy from an pre 97 1.2 or something like that, car is now sweet and it fits a treat.
n.b I have a 1.6 sport 98 S reg'.
Registered: 18th Jan 07
Location: Wolverhampton Drives: S15
User status: Offline
Cheers thanks for that mate
Registered: 20th Aug 09
Location: Northants
User status: Offline
No worries
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Registered: 29th Apr 08
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I got one from the scrappy and it went on ok according to the garage They think it was from a van because it had an ARB (which they took out ) and it does seem stiffer than the old one tbh, the rear end was much sharper after having it fitted.
Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men
Originally Whatapp'd by Neo
Dave's maybe capable of a drive-by cuddle
Look at my pictures
Registered: 14th May 08
Location: Forfar, Angus
User status: Offline
Some rear axles have a load bearing tensioner, and some don't.