Registered: 8th Oct 07
Location: Swansea
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cant take it any higher than about 4k revs because its starts bouncing not sure how much it'll cost for someone to sort it out on the computer but was wandering if swapping the ecu would sort it out.
cheers, kin
Registered: 6th Dec 09
Location: Oxford
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You would need the transponder and chip as well as the ECU to get the car running, although its probably a stupid idea beacuse if its an engine fault, then its just going to throw a code back into the ECU putting it in limp mode again. Take it to a garage and get them to put a computer on it, and see what it comes up with mate.
Registered: 7th Jul 09
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Registered: 29th Jul 06
Location: Stevenage
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What Adam said, ECU is the last resort probably a sensor fault ,any eml ,do paperclip test or get a code reader on it first before you think about ecu.
Registered: 8th Oct 07
Location: Swansea
User status: Offline
cheers fellas, forgot about it just goin back into limp mode. i dont think the eml comes on but limp modes the only thing i can think of that would make it limited to 4k rpm. and tbh i dont really know how the paperclip test works, just know the eml flashes like 5 times or something. anyone know roughly how much it costs for a garage to sort it out?
Registered: 18th May 09
Location: Stoke-on-Trent
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take it a garage and ask them if they with take a look at it. make shure u ask them how much to have the fault code reader pluged in. its normaly about £20.
well if a sensor is playing up. for example your crank or cams sensor then the ecu would think the enegine is doing more revs than it actually is so it mite just be a sensor. or mite be the cat broken down so the car wont rev anymore as there is a blockage in the exhaust.
get it to a garage dude.
Registered: 13th Nov 07
Location: Kettering, Northants
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when this happened on mine there was a sensor underneath the inlet that was unclipped try looking there
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Registered: 28th Feb 07
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Sound`s like your knock sensor is un pluged or fubard.