Ste M
Registered: 28th Oct 09
Location: Blackpool
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I'm attempting to change my rear wheel bearings for new ones. It went pretty smoothly at first, until a spring decided to shoot off and now I've lost it!
I was going to just refit the drum and pretend it would still work.
But now I can't get the damn thing back on! Also when I pull the handbrake it's far too slack.
Some pictures below - if there anything obviously wrong in them?

Scotty C
Registered: 6th Nov 05
Location: Kidderminster Drives: 1.6 16v Sport
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My god You NEED that spring. Go and get one from vauxhall!!!
Ste M
Registered: 28th Oct 09
Location: Blackpool
User status: Offline
Luckily I've found it! Was right under my nose. Main concern is getting the damn drum cover thing back on. It seems to have a lip, which is making it not want to fit back over it..
Sand it?
Scotty C
Registered: 6th Nov 05
Location: Kidderminster Drives: 1.6 16v Sport
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Grind it off..
Ste M
Registered: 28th Oct 09
Location: Blackpool
User status: Offline
Would if I had a grinder. Sandpaper is the best I have at the mo.. lol
Scotty C
Registered: 6th Nov 05
Location: Kidderminster Drives: 1.6 16v Sport
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You'll be there a while!
Ste M
Registered: 28th Oct 09
Location: Blackpool
User status: Offline
Anyway to depressurize the piston at the top which is pushing the pads out? If both the pads were in I'd probably be able to get them back on..
Registered: 17th Feb 08
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just get a metal file that wot ive always done at work 
[Edited on 11-03-2010 by sri_baby]
Ste M
Registered: 28th Oct 09
Location: Blackpool
User status: Offline
They both push in just fine (the pistons), but what I've figured is stopping the pads compressing is this thing in between them.. (middle arrow)

To the right, underneath the triangular 'clicker' is a thread, like a screw thread. Perhaps if I can tighten this thing the pads will compress?
[Edited on 11-03-2010 by Steve_]
Registered: 17th Feb 08
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thats the hand brake ajuster bud
Ste M
Registered: 28th Oct 09
Location: Blackpool
User status: Offline
How do I adjust it?
Scotty C
Registered: 6th Nov 05
Location: Kidderminster Drives: 1.6 16v Sport
User status: Offline
If u adjust that your handbrake will be well high. But, u see the teeth? there will be a little plate to hold it in place (the triangle thing), pull that back, and wind it in until the drum will go on. BUT... The handbrake will be high! and it'll only 'bite' the one side!!
[Edited on 12-03-2010 by Monster]
Ste M
Registered: 28th Oct 09
Location: Blackpool
User status: Offline
I've managed to get it back on with with adjusting the strut in the drum, but as you say, the handbrake is slack as fuck. Tighten up the cable via the nut above the rear axel?
Scotty C
Registered: 6th Nov 05
Location: Kidderminster Drives: 1.6 16v Sport
User status: Offline
No, as you've adjusted it within the shoe, it'll need re-adjustment in there. You'll need to grind that lip off. Plus, if u use the adjuster above the axel, you'll tighten up the other side too, so then the wheel wont spin!
Registered: 9th Nov 07
Location: Glasgow
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Whenever I've had trouble with drums a pair of flatblade screwdrivers to pry the shoes in at the bottom usually works fine.
Ste M
Registered: 28th Oct 09
Location: Blackpool
User status: Offline
Bloody hell fire.. Well, the handbrake still holds anyway. Not very well, but it holds and will have to do! Until MOT time and they bend me over about it. Might just have to buy some new drums. £43 on eBay, so not so bad.
Scotty C
Registered: 6th Nov 05
Location: Kidderminster Drives: 1.6 16v Sport
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You're mad, wouldn't u rather pop down b n q and buy a £15 grinder?
Registered: 1st May 07
Location: Wolverhampton Drives: 200SX S14a
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That is not the handbrake adjuster
The middle bar should be adjusted so that the drum can fit over the shoes.
Then when you apply one click on the handbrake they should just slightly catch.
That isn't setting up the handbrake though, just how far from the drum they sit.
[Edited on 12-03-2010 by Sean-B]
Scotty C
Registered: 6th Nov 05
Location: Kidderminster Drives: 1.6 16v Sport
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Sean-B
That is not the handbrake adjuster
The middle bar should be adjusted so that the drum can fit over the shoes.
Then when you apply one click on the handbrake they should just slightly catch.
That isn't setting up the handbrake though, just how far from the drum they sit.
[Edited on 12-03-2010 by Sean-B]
We always use that to adjust the handbrakes on Services??
Registered: 9th Nov 07
Location: Glasgow
User status: Offline
That is the handbrake adjuster Sean.
edit: I suppose it's not technically because the bit Steve is talking about above the rear beam is the handbrake ajduster. But I've used that wee ratchet before to take up slack with my handbrake and it's been fine.
[Edited on 12-03-2010 by alan-g-w]
Ste M
Registered: 28th Oct 09
Location: Blackpool
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Sean-B
That is not the handbrake adjuster
The middle bar should be adjusted so that the drum can fit over the shoes.
Then when you apply one click on the handbrake they should just slightly catch.
That isn't setting up the handbrake though, just how far from the drum they sit.
Um, not THAT far.. I didn't wind the strut adjuster all the way in. I may have screwed it in abut 6 or 7 times. You can still see about a CM of thread.
But TBH, when I first removed the drum, it knocked out the spring (right red arrow) and the handbrake went all strangely slack anyway, before I even bothered touching the middle bar strut adjuster...
But nothing is out of place? So god knows what's made it go slack..
quote: Originally posted by Monster
You're mad, wouldn't u rather pop down b n q and buy a £15 grinder?
I could do, I tried filing it with small needle metal files, but it would of done a better job if I filed my finger nails. I'll look into getting a grinder.
[Edited on 12-03-2010 by Steve_]
Ste M
Registered: 28th Oct 09
Location: Blackpool
User status: Offline
Just so you guys know, just been to the shop, and it seems to have adjusted itself. The handbrake that is.
Pulled it up and it becomes tight after about 6 or 7 clicks.