Ant B
Registered: 4th Jan 09
Location: Woodford Halse, Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
hi im currently in the process of smothing my fuel flap using fiber glass and body filler,but the queston is when its all painted and on the car how do i open it lol,do i not bother putting the rubber seal around the edge of it,or do i need to install a petrol flap popper.i really do not want to install a popper because i do not know much about electrics and wiring and also being a student i dont have massive amounts of cash. thanks ant b
Registered: 24th Sep 07
Location: Manchester
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I fitted a popper, £10 for 2 off ebay and used a volvo push button which is free if your pocket is big enough
Wiring is simple enough. The popper only needs a live and earth, Use a relay.
Registered: 29th Jul 07
Location: Warley, West Midlands
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you can still open them, either with your finger or your key, or make somethin to go on your keyring just to open it, no need to go to any expense with it
Ant B
Registered: 4th Jan 09
Location: Woodford Halse, Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
ok so were abouts does a popper mount then,and if you could find me a link to a popper on ebay that be good m8
Ant B
Registered: 4th Jan 09
Location: Woodford Halse, Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
scotty can you still open them with your key if the rubber sorround is on,or do i not bother to put that on
Registered: 23rd Jan 07
Location: Shropshire
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Yes can still open them with the rubber surround left on, using tip of finger or key.
[Edited on 27-03-2010 by LukeD]
Registered: 27th Apr 08
Location: silsden,west yorks.Drive: Astra van
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I got one of these on my keys mate. Saves risking chipping paint off the edge! My mate is a spraky so just got me one from work. Says they are used for removing light bulbs or something lol.
Ant B
Registered: 4th Jan 09
Location: Woodford Halse, Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
haha thats pretty cool cjohnson,
by the way i have now smoothed my fuel flap with some p40 fiber glass filler and also painted it,i will be laquring it tomorow so expect pics lol
Ant B
Registered: 4th Jan 09
Location: Woodford Halse, Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
are pre97 and post 97 fuel flaps different because i bought one of daveskater on here last week and it fits my car but the little clip that holds it shut is longer than my standerd flap,so im thinking that thhe one i bought of dave was a post 97 and i have a pre97 car,anyway ive now smoothed the original of the car
Premium Member
Registered: 29th Apr 08
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Sorry to hear it doesn't fit mate Did you try putting it on and seeing if it would shut? I must admit I didn't know the sticky out bit was different on pre and post facelifts 
Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men
Originally Whatapp'd by Neo
Dave's maybe capable of a drive-by cuddle
Look at my pictures
Ant B
Registered: 4th Jan 09
Location: Woodford Halse, Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
no i didnt dave lol but then again it was only a fiver for 2 posted,i didnt think to fix it to the car till i had painted it all lol so iv wasted loads of paint lol,but oh well live and lean
Registered: 27th Apr 08
Location: silsden,west yorks.Drive: Astra van
User status: Offline
Nah, they are the same mate, the one I smoothed was from a post 97, and mine is pre 97. Fits fine..?
Should of tried it on lol.
Found another smooth one in a scrappy today , smoothed better than mine so that will be sprayed up for mine 