Josh Ack
Premium Member
Registered: 13th Apr 10
Location: Great Ayton, North Yorkshire
User status: Offline
Why does my handbrake light come on when i go round a corner or a rounabout with a bit of speed, it does my head in when it comes on so im just wondering why it does it thanks.
Registered: 1st May 07
Location: Wolverhampton Drives: 200SX S14a
User status: Offline
brake fluid level
Josh Ack
Premium Member
Registered: 13th Apr 10
Location: Great Ayton, North Yorkshire
User status: Offline
Does it matter, or does it need topping up?
Registered: 27th Apr 08
Location: silsden,west yorks.Drive: Astra van
User status: Offline
Well check the brake pads first mate. Usual sign that the pads are worn. If they are ok, top it up, but you probably have a leak if this is the case.