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Author 1.0L 1999 stalling problems
Andy H

Registered: 13th Jun 10
Location: sunderland
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14th Jun 10 at 09:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I bought this car 3 weeks ago and it has been working fine, and I've been told that it has had a brand new idle control valve and has been regularly serviced.

Just the other day I was sitting at the lights at a roundabout and the engine just stalled and all of the dashboard lights came on. I pushed the car onto the curb, made a quick phonecall and when I got back into the car the engine started fine.

now when I'm driving and I'm putting the clutch in to slow down and change down a gear, the engine will just cut out in motion, and won't start until I leave the engine to cool down.

This morning I got into the car after being told that it could be the idle control valve, and sat at a high idle until the engine warmed up to normal termperature. I then put the heaters on and left it for about 20 seconds and the engine just cut out.

If the idle control valve is brand new, could this still be the problem? and if so can anyone guide me on how to fix it as I have been told that I can basically turn a screw and up the idle, but I would like some advice before hand.


Registered: 28th Mar 02
Location: Redcliffe, QLD
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14th Jun 10 at 14:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

sounds like the crankshaft position sensor is shagged mate.
Andy H

Registered: 13th Jun 10
Location: sunderland
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14th Jun 10 at 15:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Thanks for your reply

does that also give an idle problem when the engine is at different temperatures?

I'm going to be taking the throttle body off and also the idle control valve off too give it a bit of a clean, maybe try and modify it a bit to idle a bit higher.

but if there is any other possibilities I'd prefer to replace the lot

[Edited on 14-06-2010 by Andy H]

Registered: 28th Mar 02
Location: Redcliffe, QLD
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15th Jun 10 at 08:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i'm not sure about the idle problem. i was just going off the cutting out thing. my old 1.0ltr did the exact same thing and it was the crankshaft position sensor. it would be fine for maybe 15 mins then would just die when i put the clutch in. wouldn't restart again for a good few minutes.

regarding the ICV - there isn't much you can clean without taking it apart. if it's brand new then i wouldn't be fucking around with it too much. i've read something on here about resetting the ecu when you have an idle problem. i forget exactly how it works but you need to disconnect the battery for a couple of hours or something. then hook it back up and start the engine. make sure you don't touch the throttle pedal. it will idle low and high for a few seconds and then should be fine. i've never even attempted this so i can't tell you if it actually works or not.

Registered: 28th Mar 02
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15th Jun 10 at 08:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

that was in the faq section mate. try that.
Andy H

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16th Jun 10 at 06:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

thanks for the reply again.

Coming to think of it, when the battery was flat the first time I broken down, I took the battery out overnight and had it on charge, I remember then putting the battery back in and starting the engine and revving it a little.

Since you said it needs a few seconds to calibrate, do you think it could be the possibility of the ECU not calibrating properly?


Registered: 14th Apr 08
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18th Jun 10 at 14:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Just had the same problem 3 weeks ago changed plugs and cranshaft sensor now is fine.....AFM may also be a suggestion....mine still idles at 900 though....
Andy H

Registered: 13th Jun 10
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18th Jun 10 at 17:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I have just topped the oil up again, I'm doing an ECU reset now, going to see if it just hasn't calibrated properly, then I'm thinking of taking it to someone with a diagnostics machine, see if they can find any error codes.

The engine also jutters when I put the accelerator down, so I take it that could be the crankshaft sensor, so hopefully I can get the car temp running tonight as I need it!!
Andy H

Registered: 13th Jun 10
Location: sunderland
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18th Jun 10 at 18:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

have just reset the ECU and had no luck, this time the car was just idling, never touched it at all, just had music on quietly and the engine just cut out, definate crankshaft position sensor change
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Registered: 20th May 06
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18th Jun 10 at 20:01   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Crank sensor, almost definitely. I've heard of a few where when they get warm they go open circuit so it won't give any signal to the ecu and engine dies, then it cools down and it's fine.

Crank sensor's only £30-odd from Vaux too
Andy H

Registered: 13th Jun 10
Location: sunderland
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18th Jun 10 at 20:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

thanks for the reply mikeb, I've found this website for a cheap aftermarket crank sensor.

don't suppose you could vouch that it looks alright?

only just started driving 1 month ago so this is a big learning curve hehe
Organiser: North West and North Wales
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19th Jun 10 at 22:40   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

That's the right one but in my experience Vauxhalls don't seem to respond well to non genuine sensors.

I've got a 1.2 16v which uses all the same sensors as yours and after buying a few non genuine sensors, I've found they've either died prematurely, ie. within 12 months or they just haven't worked properly at all.

Iirc the crank sensor I bought from Vauxhall was about £36, so for the sake of £20 I'd rather buy the genuine one

Edit: Here's one from Autovaux, they do genuine parts but a lot cheaper than Vauxhall, works out at 19.12 delivered, or you can pay a bit more for next day delivery.

I've used Autovaux twice now and compared with Vauxhall prices they've saved me roughly £310, sound company too, last time Worldpay wouldn't take my payment for some reason, one of the guys rang me up noticing that I hadn't completed my order so he took the payment over the phone and upgraded it to next day delivery for my troubles

[Edited on 19-06-2010 by Mike B]
Andy H

Registered: 13th Jun 10
Location: sunderland
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20th Jun 10 at 09:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

cheers for the link, and I hope this solves the problem, is it an easy fitment? you know of any guides on installing it or is it best to just search around? cheers
Organiser: North West and North Wales
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20th Jun 10 at 11:55   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Don't know of any guides but it's literally just disconnecting the wiring plug, undoing a bolt and it pulls out. The only thing that makes it awkward is it's position. You need to get the car jacked up and on stands then get underneath. The sensor is on the back of the engine just below the starter motor iirc.
Andy H

Registered: 13th Jun 10
Location: sunderland
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20th Jun 10 at 14:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

sounds like a plan, cheers for the info mate, I'll report back after I've replaced it!
Andy H

Registered: 13th Jun 10
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26th Jun 10 at 13:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

replaced the crankshaft position sensor and the spark plugs and everything is working fine thanks to you lot!!!

Registered: 28th Dec 08
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26th Jun 10 at 14:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

my car used to randomly stall the engine while driving, after about 10 minutes of driving, eventually it stopped doing it lol

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