Registered: 6th Sep 09
Location: Tyne and Wear, gateshead
User status: Offline
hi i broke a vectra the other week with a standard head unit in, i kept this and im gonna put it up on ebay, it has the clip off bit on the front ive just checked on ebay, and they all the other ones say complete with code ...... if that just the clip on bit at the front ???? if not where do i get the code from ???
Registered: 6th Sep 09
Location: Tyne and Wear, gateshead
User status: Offline
any help ??
Registered: 27th Jul 08
Location: South Ayrshire Drives: Corsa Sport
User status: Offline
IIRC you need to phone vauxhall for the code.....
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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No the code is typed in after you install it.
Can't be decoded from the serial number, needs an EEPROM flash, slightly different procedure depending whether it's a VDO or Delco unit.
Vauxhall will sometimes do it if you have the reg number.
Registered: 6th Sep 09
Location: Tyne and Wear, gateshead
User status: Offline
thanks for the help