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Author Vauxhall aren't the only manufacturer with crap dealerships
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Registered: 24th Dec 99
Location: West Midlands
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8th Apr 11 at 08:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Had the Cougar MOT'd at a local Ford dealer last week, a couple of advisories were lower arm bushes deteriorated, and handbrake only operating at 19% efficiency.

It was booked in to have both sorted out yesterday (the lower arms cost like £277 and can only be sourced from Ford - a downside to sharing suspension with a Mondeo ST200 I guess?), it had to stay in overnight because they couldn't get the bolts free and wouldn't have the work completed by close of play yesterday, apparently...

Anyway, a few minutes ago someone from there phoned up to say everything was finished. I asked about the handbrake and he said "it's fine". I asked him how can the handbrake be operating at only 19% efficiency virtually a week ago and today it's OK and he said that they didn't test it on an MOT machine (his words) today but it looked fine?

I told him to go and and get it sorted out properly. Lazy cunts.


Registered: 15th Nov 02
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8th Apr 11 at 08:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

think that's bad read this taken from ! series forum

Just received the log book in the post today as it says Previous Registered Keeper. "Prolita Limited"
A quick search on google shows that they offer a pay as you go hire service.

BMW told me it was an ex management car from BMW. That would explain the "Thank you for not smoking" sticker on the rear of the armrest when I went to see it. That magically disappeared when i had the car.

To say the least I'm not happy at all. With the interior being in the state it's in and the drivers side window and windscreen being replaced.

BMW denied Knowledge until

"We have found out today from Street Car that it was in a front end smash. Quite a heavy one at that. Bumper, Headlights, Bonnet. etc etc... It was repaired at BMW and sold to them to sell on"

Lets just say he is now gettiing onto BMW HQ

Registered: 14th Nov 04
Location: St Helens
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8th Apr 11 at 14:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Fords always take the piss.

When my mum and dad used to take their focus there for a service they would always phone up saying it needed something doing to it. The last time they said it needed new brake pads front and rear that would cost nearly £300 to replace.

My dad told them to stick their pads up their arse, as they had all been done 2 weeks before by a mate of his. (He only took it to fords so he could keep the service book stamped up with a full ford service history), Needless to say he has lost all faith in the local ford dealership and never uses them for anything!

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