Registered: 24th Nov 10
Location: Shetland Isles
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My friend has a v6 vectra thats scrapped, i was wondering if anybody had any useful links or could give me an idea of what different bits i would need for changing the engine.
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
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theres a place near me does the front engine mount i think
Edges 58
Registered: 30th Mar 10
Location: Nottingham
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There's a couple guys on here with v6 corsas.. One user I think is called J200RSA
Registered: 4th Aug 09
Location: Greater Manchester
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There's another user caller beardy
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Registered: 29th Apr 08
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Both of those guys would be able to help, alternatively Warren G would probably know. I think that it uses the same mounts as the C20XE conversion, for a 2.5 one at least.
Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men
Originally Whatapp'd by Neo
Dave's maybe capable of a drive-by cuddle
Look at my pictures
Registered: 7th Feb 08
Location: Plymouth
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Im pretty sure it uses XE Mounts(if you use f20 box) as dave said and wires up the same as an XE.(colour for colour)
Main thing that needs doing is the rear exhaust manifold needs cutting down and welding back together to clear the steering rack