Registered: 10th Jul 09
Location: South Shields
User status: Offline
Hi lads key snapped this morning ffs. My cars a 1400 sport with a 20xe just wondering can i use any ignition barrell and key to replace mine? Thanks in advance
[Edited on 03-01-2012 by bullock106xsi]
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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Think there are only two types depending whether you have an airbag.
They might interchange but I know the column is different, barrel may be.
Registered: 10th Jul 09
Location: South Shields
User status: Offline
I this is an airbag model corsa. so i should ideally try and get one from one with an airbag? Cheers for the quick reply mate
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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Hopefully it shouldn't matter but they definitely fit different because the plastic cowl is different, comes out at more of an angle on the non-airbag I think.
That's not to say the barrels are different, might work. See what you can get hold of.
Main problem is scrappies don't generally supply keys. I've got one here with a key but its still on the car, would need to go up there today and take it off if you're having it.
[Edited on 03-01-2012 by Ian]
Registered: 10th Jul 09
Location: South Shields
User status: Offline
Cheers ian but a think im in luck as our breakers keep the keys and theres a few corsas in. I'll get in touch if that fails. hope it doesnt though lol dont fancy leaving it next to my work any longer than neccesary
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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Yeah let me know how you get on.
Registered: 10th Jul 09
Location: South Shields
User status: Offline
Panic over. local key repair shop managed to cut me a new key with the two pieces i had. thanks ian for the sharp replys :-)
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
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glad you got it sorted bud
Registered: 19th Oct 06
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
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You could have just snapped the steering lock, and stuck a screwdriver into the ignition switch as there's no immobiliser on a 20xe.
Registered: 10th Jul 09
Location: South Shields
User status: Offline
Lol cheers for that john ;-)